Please give me your advice on this mix?


lion fish lover

Blue Hippo tang
Cleaner wrasse...2
Blue starfish
2Brittle starfish
4 cleaner shrimp
2 candy shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
25 Turbo snails
20 Mexican snails
4 Emerald snails
2 Sally lightfoot Crabs
15 Scarlet Hermits
15 Blue Legged Hermits
2 Emerald Crabs
1 Purple Lobster
1 Pencil Urchin
2 Maximus Clams
4 Black Cucumbers
Various Coral
2 Lionfish
1 Porcupine Puffer
I know this all sounds crazy, but it will be in my new (I built it) 200 gallon acrylic reef tank...Please give me your advice on this mix of tank mates as I am new to the activity.
The Lionfish are a must though....also I would like to have an eel in there too? :D


New Member
From what I understand, you can't have anything in with a lionfish that's smaller than his mouth..or it's history! I might be wrong!? And please don'tget misguided thinking all those snails will completely clean the tank, you'll still have work to do. I thought the same thing and ended up letting my ammonia get too high from the flake food(frozen is better). And my chocolate chip star fish(which I got rid of immediately!) ate all my snails. Just don't believe EVERYTHING a lps tells you, most just want to sell! Trust me! I've lost ALOT of $$$ on Bad lps advice. Not all is bad, but ALWAYS get a 2nd 3rd even 4th opinion!Good luck! And WELCOME to the hobby! :D


If the lions are a must then you can keep the snails (or all shelled crustaceans for that matter) but you'd need to rid the tank of the puffer and eel cuz they love that stuff. Puffers eat them more so then the eel. Lots of times if you buy an eel large enough then he can't get his mouth into a shell to get whatever it is that's hiding.
In short: Your hermits and snails should be fine with a lion but not the puffer.