please,had back surgery


I had back surgery unable to do water change for three weeks. I normaly do it everyweek. Will tank be ok?


Yea it should be fine.. Just between you and I and the chance of getting
I do water chances like once a year, but I have a very low bio load + tons of live rock in my tank


Active Member
WAter changes are for two things.
1. remove nutrients that build up.
2. replace elements that are used by corals.
Yea a few weeks will be fine. Hell I have gone like 6 weeks. The corals dont decline but they also dont look so happty. If your going to go more than 6-8 weeks get a service to come in and do it. Or a friend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by angelspot
I had back surgery unable to do water change for three weeks. I normaly do it everyweek. Will tank be ok?
Your tank will be fine. If you need help, let me know and I'll help you out with it.
BTW, finally got that 75 going that I got from you.


Active Member
if you have to do it, and you dont,
use pumps and syphons - no heavy lifting is required for WCs :)


Well-Known Member
lol, I have gone a couple of years in one tank without doing a water change. It's not that big of a deal if you keep up with your filtration system and don't have much of a bioload. good luck!