PLEASE HELP! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


New Member
What I have: 75 gallon tank around 75lbs of live rock...only 2 fish yellow tang and a maroon clown. I have had others but the two fish that I have have a sereous attitude problem, and ya they wont let anything else be part of the tank. I've tried fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, arrow crabs, orange linkia, flame angle fish, mandaran dragonet (green), but like I said my two fish have an attitude problem and killed them.. Anyways for equipment I have few powerheads, protien skimmer, and of course heater (all the obvious).
On Saturday, 5-6days ago I installed and hooked up a sump underneath the tank, and another powerhead in the tank. Anyways the problem I am having is: MY corals are dying, and or look like crap! I have for corals: purple mushrooms (all over), colt coral, finger corals, montapora (potatoe chip I think), oh and some zoos. Everything looked great saturday morning before I added my sump. And well now 6 days later my corals look like ass... montopora is turning white, my polups on my finger corals havent been out since saturday morning, my colt coral looks a little better but in my opinion still looks like crap, my green star pullup is looking ok, but like the colt coral it looks like crap.
What I've done: I shutoff that extra powerhead in the tank (i thought maybe everything was in shock due to the extra current, I have also did an extra water change (incase there was some dust on the equipment from the manufacture) Anyways, I have done everything I have thought off, and nothing seems to have made an improvement... Am I missing somehting that is completely obvious? Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. Oh and yes for any smartass, I tested my nitrates and all that ( my water is perfect) oh and YES my salinaty is also just fine and dandy, Im not a complete idiot, although after my problem that Im having Im starting to question IM guessing this doesnt matter, but I thought Ishould mention it, im have 5.12 watts / gallon..
Thanks guys for any suggestions and your time, it is greatly appreciated! Hopefully we can SAVE my corals from dying, because we ALL KNOW DEAD CORALS ARE UNCOOL CORALS.. Thanks Again


Active Member
What is in the new sump? (ie live rock, macro algae, bio media, skimmer etc.) Also sounds like you did not rinse off new equipment before putting it in place, this may have some affect if there are some manufacturing type compounds on it.


New Member
the sump would include: CS90 overflow, CPR CR900, I jimmyrigged the skimmer to work in the cr900, the heater is in there as well, the cr900 has bio mass (not bio balls, it looks like cut up plastic through a paper shredder) And no I never did rinse it the cs90 or cr900 out, it was all wrapped in a tight plastic though..


Active Member
Okay sounds good so far. So you had to add water to the new sump and total system. Tell us a little about that - for instance did you test the water first for matching Ph, Calcium, Sg, Temp. and how much total additional?


what glues an such did you use for your sump? If you DIY like it did.
When I first installed my sump/fuge I had a little spike in my water and things kinda looked like crap. I tested again and found my water was way off???? I am a neat freak with my tank so I to was puzzled and all tank mates was still there. I was coming from 2 canister type filters(3yrs running my tank) before the change to sump/fuge. My tank was so used to running that way and I really do think it just was a shock to my tank. It was new and had not had time to establish it self with my boiload up keep.
So what did I do and made all the differ I went a got me a media reactor and filled with top of line carbon and purigen. EVERYTHING PERKED back up in just a few days. Now my tank looks better than it ever has in the 3yr+ it been running.
OH an by the way nobody called you an idiot. putting that sort of stuff in your post will not help you get the best results your looking for. I am hear to help in anyway I can from what I have learned. Sometimes I just might have overlooked something so simple and should have known. So when somebody ask you the basics does not mean we think anybody
is an idiot. It is more for our brains to rule out the simple stuff and move to the next untill we come to an end result that fixes the problem.
I hope I have help you in anyway.


New Member
I only added a max of 10-12 gallons, umm about matching the water up, I guess I didnt really do anything special, I did everything the same as if I was doing a water change...when I do my water changes I take 10-15 gallons out, and put 10-15 gallons back, and I've never had a problem with my water changes... my corals would look crappy (as any corals do during water changes and cleaning of the tank) for maybe a max of a hour after water changes and cleaning of the tank, but they alwasy bounced back...


Active Member
Doesn't sound like you did anything out of the ordicnary to me. Like Bonnie said maybe get some carbon and run that for a few and see what happens. Otherwise nothing you have told us looks strange to me. Maybe someone else will chime in that can help. Sorry


New Member
thanks guys for your help, and ya I guess hopefully some time will help, but I will get some carbon right away...hopefully that helps..Thanx again though, I just have no idea whats wrong with it... I did have a powerhead, that had a canaster that held cardon, but for some reason I took it out, thinking I didnt really need it anymore, being I added the sump.. but ya I guess I will hook that back up, and ill keep my fingers crossed that I start seeing a change.. thanks again though the two of you..

nacl freak

Once everything has recoverd,if you want to try new fish, you could try reaquascaping. YOU KNOW CHANGE THE BAD BOYS STAKED OUT TERRITORY.