a couple of weeks after i set up my tank in oct 06, i started hearing the faint clicking sounds...over the next few months it would get louder, but i had never seen it. i didnt know if it was a pistol or a mantis. i added a birdsnest about a month ago. I finally saw it! it was working its way thru the birdsnest. i didnt see one bigger claw, crap....a mantis ...great...so a few weeks later, i saw him again in the birdsnest. i hesitantly stuck my hand in there to pull the birdsnest out, hoping he would try to hide in the inner part. i got sooo lucky, he didnt snap the S#@& out of my finger and he stayed in there. so i put the birdnest in the sink and filled it with some salt water and started poking at the mantis with a screwdriver to get him out. he was popping that thing so hard....but he finally came out. I picked up the birdnest and put it back in the tank and put the mantis in a bucket and traded him at the LFS. i could not believe i got him out of there. i didnt have to worry anymore about my depleting snail population. he was brown with little bright blue spots. i was releaved to get that f@#*er^ out of there. i had no idea how i was going to get him out, he really didnt do any damage (yet), i would only hear the clicking. but no more, glad he's out. if you have one, good luck getting him out. if you dont have a birdsnest, try getting one. lol