Please Help, Beth or Terry


New Member
Please help 100g tank
I have been using greenex to help cure the fish, any other suggestions
Every time I add a fish it seems to eat fine for 2 days, then on the third day, the fish is breathing heavy and then dies
Diamond Goby
Greenbird Wrasse
Yellow Tang
Naso Tang,
All other fish in the tank doing fine no symptoms eating week, soaking food in garlic, noticed yellow tang dead, no visible signs except color kind of brown
100 G Aquarium built in filter in back
2 heaters
15 W UV Sterlizer
Rio Power Head 1700 and 800
Any help would be appreciated
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Ph 8.3 to 8.4
Salinity 1.017
Temp 80


New Member
The symptons are as follows
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Ph 8.3 to 8.4
Salinity 1.017
Temp 80
No symptoms on existing fish, however any new fish that I add to the tank don't make it past 3rd day
They eat great for 2 days, then on the 3rd day don;t look to good, and then end up dying, I saw on my naso tang, almost like shedding, I also had a diamond goby who died, all head was breathing heaving and wagging his body, also I had a spotted puffer, who died as well was eating for 2 days, then seamed to have some white spots, but not sure, it seemed like he had some growth on him
Current fish in tank
Blue Tang
Maroon Clown pair
Six Line Wrasse
Greenbird Wrasse
Flame Hawk,
Please help


Staff member
The problem could be your salinity. Why is it so low??? If you are taking new fish from a standard 1.023-.025 to a sudden drop to 1.017, then that could be causing considerable, and overwhelming stress.
The other problem may be that your LFS is selling sick fish. Why don't you QT your fish before you place them in your main tank.


New Member
The salinity at the fish store is 1.019, also the fish is eating for 2 days well then dies on 3rd day, I am totally confused what do, doesnt; seem to be affecting existing fish in tank


New Member
Don't notice any aggression just heaving breathing when spotted puffer died he was hanging out at the top of tank, diamond goby at bottom wagging body, didn;t notice any visible diseases on diamond goby, on spotted puffer almost like kind of shedding on skin, almost then noticed spots on naso tang this morning, again fish are eating very well for days, then die either the evening of the third or the morning of the third day


Staff member
It may be brooklynella. A problem that is probably coming from the fish supply at the LFS.
You should QT all new fish. Brook can be treated with formalin dips, but only if you can get the fish for the dips.


New Member
MY question is why are my existing fish fine, I don't see them being affected, and why is it happening after the 2nd day


Staff member
I don't know. Can only guess. But the "shedding skin" problem does sound like brooklynella.