New Member
I have a 92 gallon corner tank (rounded front) with fish only. i have a 7" panther grouper, 5" porcupine puffer, 3" humma trigger, 3" maroon clown, and 2 chocolate chip stars. No matter what i try, i can't get the nitrates below 80ppm. I really don't want to buy live rock because it takes away from the ornaments in have set up. I use a wet/dry sump with a berlin skimmer. I even bought that "Right Now!" bacteria with the tri-base carbon pellets which advertises a special bacteria strain that gets rid of nitrates - but that didn't work.
I read about getting Cheato algea & throwing it in the sump or even in the main tank as long as the lighting is good. All the life in the tank is doing ok except that the grouper is developing Hole in the head. Any suggestions?
I read about getting Cheato algea & throwing it in the sump or even in the main tank as long as the lighting is good. All the life in the tank is doing ok except that the grouper is developing Hole in the head. Any suggestions?