please help clown choking!!!



Ive got a common clown thats choking! I was up late last night when the lights were out to watch the little critters and decided to feed a frozen cube. When I went to put water in the cup to unthaw the cube the cube fell in the aquaium and the clown ate some of it. When I got up this morning I found him with a piece stuck in his mouth and now 7hrs later its still there. I think he got a frozen piece and it unthawed in his mouth wedging itself in there. What should I do the little guy doesn't look so good? I'll post a pic asap.


its hard to see but his mouth is wedged open and he is constantly making a thrust motion should I try to manually take it out? I would hate to lose him Knowing i did nothing to try and save him.



Active Member
Don't try removing it yourself ... he definitely bit off more than he can chew,but he will either spit it out or swallow it when he can.


thanks I'm sure ready to get it myself. It's hard watching him suffer.


Active Member
I don't see how you could get it. You would have to hold him underwater, while he's freakin' out, and his mouth is so small, it would take a needle or something. Sounds like too much risk. Unless you see him quit swimming and heading towards the bottom, I'd leave him alone too.


Thanks for the suggestion but I think I will wait and see what happens.


I would think that piece would have thawed out by now. Hopefully he'll be ok.


Active Member
Did you try the heimlich maneuver?
Sorry maybe I shouldn't be making jokes. My Foxface has had a mouthfull of cheato a couple times when it sneaks through into the display tank. It's usually there for a few hours and he takes care of it on his own somehow. Hope it works out for ya.


awww.... *crossing my fingers and toes* that your clown is able to clear this on its own. Poor thing. I know you feel helpless. Hopefully everything will be okay.


My Bala shark would do this when he bite something way too big for him.. (freaking moron) but he'd get it out eventually. Hopefully the clown does the same. If you see him start to deteriorate.. dont hesitate to put him to sleep.. i hate seeing animals suffer..
Originally Posted by fish2
my suggestion is to kill it.
what is wrong with you???!!! why would you kill a fish for no reason... if you were choking would you want someone to suggest to kill you??


Active Member
for sure just leave him try to do it himself, I once tried to "assit" a fish and ended up killing him. I too will cross my fingers for the poor little guy,let us know what happens!


I really think your clown will come through! My LFS is a really nice guy, and he told me a story about a tang that took a bite out of some epoxy/glue that he had just used to set a frag.... I thought, "Oh my gosh, did the tang survive?"
Turns out that the tang did survive, although he couldnt open his mouth up properly for a few days....
I really hope and believe that your clown will be okay...And just ignore the comment to "kill it".....what a moron....


New Member
I once did a bit of oral surgery on a fish. A customer came in once and brought in a goldfish that apparently had something in its mouth. After doing some examining, I came to the conclusion that it infact had something black in its mouth. The problem came in identifying this black foreign object it seemed to have lodged in its mouth which kept it from closing. The gravel was not black so that was out. No carbon was used, so that too was out. No food in that color was fed so that was out as well. It seemed that the fish had swallowed a small beetle that must have landed in the aquarium. The part that we were seeing was the shell. The internal organs of this beetle were long gone and like I said, it was just the shell. So after numerous medical equipment were used to to see if one could dislodge this beetle shell, I had to resort to the ole' staple. Thats right!!! I bent the staple straight and then bent an end to create a make-shift hook. Holding the fish in my hand and keeping a constant flow of very slow water on the fish as I work its mouth, and numerous attempts to remove the shell....out it came. After making up some water with a generous amount of stress coat, the owner took her goldfish home and last I heard, it was doing very well.


Well 12hrs after my first post and the little guy still has the food in his mouth and still making the trusting motion. I'm sure he is tired by now. Thanks for all your replys, I will update later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by parkercandleco
what is wrong with you???!!! why would you kill a fish for no reason... if you were choking would you want someone to suggest to kill you??
I was thinking the same thing, people want to try to be funny, when they are cruel
How everything turns out ok. Any updates?