Please help!!! clownfish might be sick!! I don't no what to do!!!


New Member
I think my clownfish might be sick!! I just added 2 of them to my tank feb. 6 I also have a yellow tang that's been in there for 3 months and coral beauty that's been in there for 1 month. They stay in one corner of the tank!! They started having black spots on them today and there not eating!!! Please help I don't no what to do!!!


Well-Known Member
Post on FISH DISEASE AND TREATMENT...not on this section, Beth will know what to do. Staying in a corner is what ALL clowns do. They just hang out in territory they declare their own....and don't usually swim around much......the not eating thing, that's not good.


Well-Known Member
Are you feeding them what there where being fed? Mine where picky at first too, then I called lfs to see what they fed them. I got it and they ate rt away


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jessica1821 http:///t/397125/please-help-clownfish-might-be-sick-i-dont-no-what-to-do#post_3538674
I'm feeding them shrimp brine that's what the store said they were eating

Hi...try frozen Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp is just fish candy. take a fish net and rinse it under water until it's thawed and release the food into the tank. Are you saying the fish have not eaten since you purchased them?... you may have purchased sick fish from the store.

Is the yellow tang harassing them at all, they can be real butt heads..