Hi my name is Brad Benefield and I am a design major at the University of Central Oklahoma. One of my assignments requires me to find a web site and create a survey for it. I do not mean anything negative about the site I have picked, it is just something I had to do for a class. I am needing at least 20 or more people to complete a quick survey about this web site and email it back to me. If you are bored and have 10 - 20 minutes I would really appreciate it. The site I picked is a clean site so if you are at work then don't worry about anything bad popping up.
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Thank you all so much... this is a big help.
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Windows users please right click the link and save the file to your computer.
Mac users please ctrl click and save the link to your computer.
This is a Rich Text Format file and should open in Word or any other word processing program.
Thank you all so much... this is a big help.
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