Please Help College Student


Hi my name is Brad Benefield and I am a design major at the University of Central Oklahoma. One of my assignments requires me to find a web site and create a survey for it. I do not mean anything negative about the site I have picked, it is just something I had to do for a class. I am needing at least 20 or more people to complete a quick survey about this web site and email it back to me. If you are bored and have 10 - 20 minutes I would really appreciate it. The site I picked is a clean site so if you are at work then don't worry about anything bad popping up.
Windows users please right click the link and save the file to your computer.
Mac users please ctrl click and save the link to your computer.
This is a Rich Text Format file and should open in Word or any other word processing program.
Thank you all so much... this is a big help.
* * Illegal Link * *
Links to other sites are not allowed on this board. Providing such links is a violation of the member agreement and are grounds for being banned.


ok nevermind my link was removed... i didn't realize asking for help was such a problem worth removing my file.


Active Member

Originally posted by theishkid
ok nevermind my link was removed... i didn't realize asking for help was such a problem worth removing my file.

I didn't see it, but it is not personal and has nothing to do with your "asking for help." You just agreed to not post links when you signed up :)


Well I understand... I have just seen people posting links to pictures and stuff on here before and I didn't think it would be a problem.
I still need about 8 more if anyone else can help out.


Active Member
no offense, but i've e-polled before and got spammed out the wazoo the next day. it'd be better if you could set up your survey on the forum and just let people answer in anonymous posts. imo that could be one reason nobody's answering. just post your questions and i'll answer.


I have gotten about 15 people to email me and haven't had any problems so far. I can understand if people are stand off-ish. I tried to put a link to the survey on here but the mods took it off. I don't want to just simply post the survey because I do not want to imply anything negative nor do I want to advertise for the company the survey is over. I'm just tying to do this as easy and as professional as I can.
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far. I really appreciate it.