Please help confirm lymph on our clown. (Pic included)


New Member
I believed this was lymphocystis on our Ocellaris Clown but I want to be absolutely sure before it gets worse. We've had him for about 2 weeks and the first spot on his top fin started a day or two after bringing him home from the LFS. All the white spots you see have texture, meaning that they're not just flat spots. Our biggest concern is that it's now spread to his mouth -- he looks like he can't close his mouth and sometimes he won't eat. Also, with everything we've been reading, we're concerned about any secondary infections that might go unnoticed because of the lymph.
Water paramaters:
ammonia - 0
ph - 8.2
nitrate - 5
nitrite - 0
80 degrees
The tank critters:
1 Ocellaris Clown
2 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
4 nassarius snails
4 astreas snails
5 ceriths snails
1 Blue Stripe (?) Mushroom
1 Torch Coral
1 Xenia
20 gallon tall
2 x 65w pc
38lbs of live rock
aqua c remora hang on skimmer
fluval for flow and carbon


Staff member
Consider it confirmed.
How long have you had this fish? He appears generally to be in poor shape. What are you feeding him, and how often? Is the fish stressed in other ways?


New Member
We've had him for about two weeks with the first sign of lymph appearing just a day or two after bringing him home from the lfs.
He was stressed by a royal gramma that was charging at him (and everything else in the tank) so we returned the gramma to the lfs yesterday. Now, he should be relatively stress free but he does constantly swim -- day and night.
We feed him 2-3 times a day. Spectrum Thera pellets and OSI Marine flakes in the AM. Frozen meaty food with the zoecon and freshly minced garlic in the PM. He pretty much only likes the pellets and ignores the rest. I'm really worried about him.


New Member
Our tank can't support an anemone but I was thinking of getting a nice plastic one to give him a spot to rest. Is this a good idea?


New Member
Looking even closer with the magnifying glass, the little guy has blood spots/lines inside the sides of his mouth up towards his nose.
Of his three feedings today, he's eaten maybe one pellet and one small piece of shrimp total -- not much at all.


Staff member
Try feeding a variety of frozen foods, or better, make your own. I'm afriad I don't think processed food offers that much nutrition. There is a receipe for fresh food in the FAQ Thread, if you're interested.
He may, as well have a bacterial infection, but without a well-established QT, you can't really treat an infection with antibiotics.