Hello all! I just recently ordered 3 Yellow Star Polyps and 2 Blue Mushrooms and 2 Red Mushrooms. My tank has been running for over 2 mos now, and includes the following equipment: (75) Gallon aquarium w/ (1) Seaclone protein skimmer with Maxi-jet 1200 powerhead, (1) Seastorm 8 watt UV sterilizer, (1) Quicksand biological filter with Maxi-jet 400 powerhead, (1) Red Sea Phazer IV Lighting system with (2) VHO and (2) actinic bulbs, (1) 300 Watt Ebo Jager heater,an additional powerhead for water movement. Livestock: (2) Zebra striped damsels, (approx. 80 lbs of premium Fiji live rock, approx. 40 lbs of base rock, and crushed coral substrate with some sand. My tank started out with brown algae and now it is all green. Is it to soon to introduce these corals? and what kind of clean-up crew do you recommend? Nitrate & Nitites: 0
Ammonia: .0, ph: 8.3, temperature: 79 degrees, Salinity: 1.023
[ May 29, 2001: Message edited by: missmyers ]
Ammonia: .0, ph: 8.3, temperature: 79 degrees, Salinity: 1.023
[ May 29, 2001: Message edited by: missmyers ]