Please help! Delivery scheduled for Wednesday @ 10AM.


Hello all! I just recently ordered 3 Yellow Star Polyps and 2 Blue Mushrooms and 2 Red Mushrooms. My tank has been running for over 2 mos now, and includes the following equipment: (75) Gallon aquarium w/ (1) Seaclone protein skimmer with Maxi-jet 1200 powerhead, (1) Seastorm 8 watt UV sterilizer, (1) Quicksand biological filter with Maxi-jet 400 powerhead, (1) Red Sea Phazer IV Lighting system with (2) VHO and (2) actinic bulbs, (1) 300 Watt Ebo Jager heater,an additional powerhead for water movement. Livestock: (2) Zebra striped damsels, (approx. 80 lbs of premium Fiji live rock, approx. 40 lbs of base rock, and crushed coral substrate with some sand. My tank started out with brown algae and now it is all green. Is it to soon to introduce these corals? and what kind of clean-up crew do you recommend? Nitrate & Nitites: 0
Ammonia: .0, ph: 8.3, temperature: 79 degrees, Salinity: 1.023
[ May 29, 2001: Message edited by: missmyers ]
You could have stayed in the same topic you started instead of making a new topic. :) You should be fine when you add corals. Ammonia should be zero though. You always want to check your parameters before you buy anything for your tank. You could easily waste hundreds of dollars after the corals start dying off because your parameters were out of whack. Let us know how it goes.
I'm sorry missmyers, but IMHO it is a little too late to be asking the important question, "Is it too soon to introduce these corals?" when your delivery is already scheduled. It makes the quiry moot, don't you agree?
I am honestly trying to be of some assistance. Corals cannot tolerate ammonia, and the fact that you have it indicates your tank is still in cycle and/or others problems. Although mushrooms are a bit more tolerent than other animals. I would suggest a water change before adding the corals with water that has the exact parameters of your tank water.
It is extremely important that a tank be stable and mature before adding corals. The stability comes with maturity. Most reefers advise waiting 5-6 months before any sensitive corals are introduced.
Impatience in this hobby is deadly.
My humble .02