Hey Guys, i have a really aggresive Yellow Tang mimic angel which wont leave any of my other fish alone...hes always trying to chase them, bite them ect...I got a little copperband butterfly on saturday but because of my angels abuse it has torn fins and i had to put it into a little floating cage thingy... I want to get rid of this angel as it is also picking on my clams! How can i catch it? Everytime it sees me it hides away and will only come out again if i sit atleast a foot or 2 away from the tank! Please help me catch this fiend!!! And also, my copperband is not eating the frozen stuff im giving him...I was hoping that all my liferock would keep him alive and healthy but after i had to put him in the cage he can't pick so i really have to get him to eat...What could i try that has worked for you other copperband owners? Thanks Guys