Please help evil angel from hell wont leave other fish alone!


Hey Guys, i have a really aggresive Yellow Tang mimic angel which wont leave any of my other fish alone...hes always trying to chase them, bite them ect...I got a little copperband butterfly on saturday but because of my angels abuse it has torn fins and i had to put it into a little floating cage thingy... I want to get rid of this angel as it is also picking on my clams! How can i catch it? Everytime it sees me it hides away and will only come out again if i sit atleast a foot or 2 away from the tank! Please help me catch this fiend!!! And also, my copperband is not eating the frozen stuff im giving him...I was hoping that all my liferock would keep him alive and healthy but after i had to put him in the cage he can't pick so i really have to get him to eat...What could i try that has worked for you other copperband owners? Thanks Guys


Active Member
Bummer.You can try the bottle trick to get the fish out.Take a clear plastic bottle,cut off the end a few inches down and invert it backwards into the other part.Now you have a bottle with a wide opening at the end,but if the fish goes inside he will get confused on how to get back out{ works for some,not all}.Put some thick food that will hold together in the bottle that the fish a piece of krill,squid,etc.
You may catch other fish first..but you have to be diligent.
Another way is to drain down your tank,save the water.It will make him easier to catch,then replace the water.
For the CBB try frozen mysis shrimp...maybe soak it in a few slices of fresh garlic to entice him.
Good Luck!


Why dont you put the Yellow Tang in the cage? He is after all the one that cant play nice in the tank. I would take out the butterfly and let him get used to the new tank and "punish" the Tang by sending him to "his own room with no TV."


Could i use the Copperband as bait? I could put him into the bottle and then leave the bottle in a plave where the angel is sure to find him and when he tries to attack him he'll get caught in the bottle aswell. Could i do this?


k, will leave the CB out of the equation...i still can't catch the little ****...AAAAAA

Could i try to catch him by putting a mesh divider in and use the bottle trick but use more of the bottle? I could divide the tank and only feed the meshed in section, the fish will eventually go in there to get food and then i could block the escape hole before they managed to escape and catch the little ****? Would this work?
Thanks Promisetbg!

cda fish

I tried this method to try and catch a nasty damsel.. caught tang instead. place your net in the tank for a few days then place some food in the net, place the net towards power head so water flows thru the net tang swam in to eat.. I did this after a day of non feeding.. damsel required a water removal along with alot of my rock.. glad when he went bye bye..good luck


Well. Not to sound cruel or anything..
If your bad fishy would eat anything else that looked tasty.
Try some 2 lb flyline and a size 16 flyfishing hook... Just unsnell the hook and dont let him swallow it all the way when he takes the bait. :happyfish
It worked for my buddy. He relocated the fish to different tank, and it is doing fine.