Please help, fish dilema!!!!


New Member
I have 2 tanks, 56 and 75. the 56 (the predator tank), has a porc puffer about 6 inches and the other is SUPPOSED to becoming the reef tank, but it ended up with a longnose butterfly in it (about 5 in.), and it's wreaking havoc in the tank!!!!
I really love my puffer and don't want to upset him with a bright yellow nosy companion, but i don't want the reef tank to suffer either.... (not that there's a whole lot in the tank yet...) can anyone offer me any advice? My LFS said that they can't take the butterfly for another 2 weeks cuz they have to move....


Active Member
I would take the puffer out and bring it to the LFS as it will get way to big for a 55 gallon tank. A porcupine gets to be about the size of a basketball when fully grown (and fully expanded) so that would pose quite the problem in that tank. If I were you I would bring the puffer back, put the butterfly in the 55 gallon and get a smaller puffer if you want (valentini). Just my opinion.


New Member
how fast will the puffer grow? I mean approximately... I could move him to the 75 tank i guess its longer but not as deep.... dont know what to do with the butterfly in the meantime; he is the problem for the time being. Beautiful but naughty.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Is there any reason why you don't want to make the 56 the reef?

Woops, why didn't I think of that... Thats why you are on here Sep, to keep all of us from making things to complicated haha!


New Member
not at all. the tanks were bought at 3 week intervals which is how they were picked for reef vs. predator tanks, but now i'm seeing things differently!!!! i was just sitting here comtemplating how many buckets i would need to switch all the fish from both tanks at the same time. here's pics of my 2 tanks right now. i am pretty attached to mack, the porc puffer. he's my buddy! its just that darned butterfly, and i don't want to upset mack by stickin him with the nosy butterfly!!!! also, i am researcing solutions for hair algae in the agressive tank.....
i dont know if the puffer would bother a lawnmower blenny...

You'll have to ask someone else on that one i've never shipped one either
I know they have to be bagged and usualy this time of the year shipped with a heat pack and usualy in a styrofoam box inside a card board one but other than i have no clue. If your realy serious ask sepulatian she'll know she knows allllllllll. I think sometimes you can get the LFS to help package them for shipping O2 and all.


Originally Posted by slt wtr stupid
You'll have to ask someone else on that one i've never shipped one either
I know they have to be bagged and usualy this time of the year shipped with a heat pack and usualy in a styrofoam box inside a card board one but other than i have no clue. If your realy serious ask sepulatian she'll know she knows allllllllll. I think sometimes you can get the LFS to help package them for shipping O2 and all.
HA HA!! Nope, I have never shipped fish. I don't know what to tell you on that one.