Please Help Green Water


I have had this problem for over a week now My water is green I have check all levels and the are great I have a fluval 305 canister filter and skimmer running 48 gallon bow front tank with 50lbs live rock and live sand no livestock in this tank moved all of it in to qt tank until i get it fixed Help what it causing this i have check all levels nitrates and nitrite and ammo and ph are excellent salt is perfect temp is perfect What could this be ??


is it close to a window to that the direct sunlight can get to the tank all day?
and what kind of sand did you use?
sorry lots of questions but maybe we can narrow it down


no not close to window and it was live sand that was bought at my LFS tank has been up and running over 4 months never had any problems I have done water changes 10% last week and 15% today and still nothing helps


did you upgrade your lights recently?
what foods do you feed and additives and are any of them newly started?


No i havent upgraded my lights did that like 3 months ago Could this be the problem My water was getting cloudy so I thought that it might me the live rock so I took about 40lbs out and placed it in another tank that i have downstairs and there is only like 5 lbs in there Now that i think about the green water didnt show up until like 3 days after i took the rock out


no what causes green water is a single celled algae usually it only shows up in FW tanks though. do you have any fish in the tank?


there is only a few methods that can get rid of it permantly
1 change all the water in the tank * this will only work if the food source leaves with the water*
2 starve the algae with light deprevation * overing the tank with a heavy blanket for 4-10 days
3 a diatom filter to filter it out. maybe your LFS rents them youll have to check some do some dont.
4 a UV filter to kill it as it passes through
5 chemicals which I dont recomend some of them can damage the tank.


Thanks alot I am getting the quilt out now to cover the tank Do u think the rocks should stay out until I get rid of this


do you have any corals on those rocks? if not I would worry about them it wont be a big deal to the rocks being dark.
just dont peak for about 5 days though if you allow light to get to the tank it will rejuvinate the green algae growth to start up again. If you do this and it is gone and after you tank the blanket off you will need to drain all the water and start over becuase it isnt killing it off.


no corals on the rocks The 48 pounds of rock i moved out of this tank to another one until i get this under control Thanks alot for the help
you are my hero lol


do you have sponges or filter floss in your canister. is your phosphates hi , that can cause green water UV light mite
help .I'd say your phosphates are hi and how old is your test
kit . i get algae on the side of the glass some time . thats
only when i use cheep lights , don't do that any more
check your phosphates and your TDS from your RO unit
add a DI unit . a DI will put you at 0 TDS
hope this helps


No different people lol I was actually searching the post before i posted to see if there was any clues there and saw his lol but no not the same tanks Im in NC and I guess he may be in Colorado lol