I think i have a big problem, I turned on my light to my 90 gal this morning and it is very foggy!!!!! what is this??? i dont know what this is from, it cannot be from over feeding or anything because i know i did not do that, at midnight last night the tank was Crystal!! what is happening?? Everything in the tank looks just fine tho..
90 gal with 80 lbs LS and 70 lbs LR


the first things i look at are tilted or fallen powerheads. Did you check that already?
Umm yea no probs wit filters/power heads i have a flower pot coral, and a little piece of rock that has some green like plant like stems off them..

car guy

do you have caulerpa yet, sometimes it gives off this milky white cloud of stuff, no idead what it is though
another note, i just tested my water and ammonia 0 ppm nitrite 0, nitrate 20 ppm (was 40) im guessin the DSB is starting to take effect, and ph is normall.. what is going on??!?!?


how old is your tank?
it could be a bacterial bloom of some sort.
things like this happen from time to time. They usually clear within a day or two.
i thought that also but the tank is over a year old, i oculdnt just see it blooming and gettin cloudy all of a sudden.