Please help!!!! I don't want to mourn a lost


I got a pearl scaled butterfly for my 75gl tank. I have in the tank other mates that heve being there more than a year by now.
The first day she used to swim like crazy in the tank but now she barely moves from a corner in the tank. She is hiding behind a huge rock at the bottom of the tank. I am affraid she is not eating. What can I do, I already lost my beautiful Naso Tang.
Fish in tank
Maroon Clown
2 Cromies
Yellow watchman & Shimp Goby (They're lovers)
Coral Beauty
Midas Blenny
Please help


There are so many things that could be going on with your butterfly. A really good start would be a picture of the fish. Also history. Is the fish eating, being bullied, disease? etc. Why did your naso die? A picture would really help. Ideally remove the fish to a seperate tank and if not seperate him from the other fish. T


The Naso tang actually was dinner from my Carpet anemone. The other fish are not going nuts on the Butterfly either so I don't know what could be wrong. I will post pictures later.
I purchase the Butterfly last tuesday as compensation for a Blue Ring Octopus I could not bring home with me, instead I got the butterfly.


What is the size of the Maroon Clown versus the newly purchased Pearlscale? Might just be a matter of stress... From what I've read, Maroons are one of the largest and most aggressive anemonefish and shouldn't be kept with smaller, peaceful fish. With Pearlscale Butterflys it is suggested that they not be housed with aggressive tankmates.... So, in this case I would assume that size DOES matter as well as personality.....