Please help! Ich!


I just returned home from a weekend and discovered that my trigger and grouper have white specs on them. What can I do? I just added a live rock and a little LFS water that came with it. Is there anyway I can save my fish. Please help. Thanks. I am doin a search too.
I have never seen ich before so if you can explain it too.


Ok I think I want to try hyposalinity. Will this work? And how do low do I go with the salt level...i heard 1.010 but that seems low?
Also how long do i need to take to lower the salt level so i don't kill my fish? Also, I need to set up my Q tank, right? Will
Maycran II do anything? Thanks for your time. never have had ich but always was afraid of it.
I will look into green X. Have you used it?
I had the trigger for about 4 years and the grouper for 2. I didn't add anything big since them. They are in a 55 gal tank with about 50 lb of live rock, 4 inch sand bed and just got the mushrooms (mushrooms was what I added, dang i was so excited to because they were doing so good). I will get two 10 gal small Q tanks because these fish are aggressive. Unless this is too small. Thanks for your concern and help. also how long does this hyposalinity take?

coral bandit

New Member
Yes, I have used green x and several other guys I know have also. It comes in a small botltle and I think you add 1 drop per gallon ....... Just turns your water green for a little while. Cleared up the ick in my tank .


Will I need a ph buffer to keep the ph at the right level? Will this be all I need to keep the ph stable? Thanks once again.


Hyposalinity and copper are the best routes for treating ick. If you have inverts your gonna NEED a QT tank. Do a search on this site and read about ways to cure it for days... :D


Ok I am going to my fish store to see what they have to say about my fish. I may have misdiagnosed it and it may be VELVET and not ich. The spots don't seem to be sticking out but instead are like in the flesh and mostly on the fins. Do I treat velvet the same way or is it different? Thanks and sorry for the confusion I am not use to diseases and can't find any pictures of them.
Here are the details on the dots:
They are hard to see. The best ones I can see are on the triggers fins since huma huma triggers have clear fins. They are pin like white spots but don't seem to be sticking out like pimples(ick) but they are so small and pretty spread out.


Here is an update:
I decided against the hyposalinity because after reading about how inaccurate the arm salt measures are. I usually take all the advise and follow through but the owner seemed to know just the thing to cure ick. I know.. I know don't listen to LFS but these people specialize in marine and freshwater fish only and were confident. They gave me Copper Power and said this will work in 10 days. After 10 days I plan on doing a water change, to get most of the copper out, and leave the fish in for another week to make sure the ick is out and to let the ick die off in the main tank. Let me know what yall think eventhough i didn't go with hyposalinity (which I really wanted to do but was unsure about my equipment). I hope i won't regret this decision. Merry Christmas if i don't talk to yall again.
by the way were do yall find garlic oil...i went to my grocery store and they didn't have it. I also have zoecon but I forget to use it but i think this will teach me a lesson. Hopefully w/o any deaths.


Ok -- copper will work, but remember any rock or sand that you have in the tank the copper is added to is finished as LIVE sand or LIVE rock. Copper kills inverts (like the ich parasite) and can not be removed from the rock or sand, it leetches in. You can never add inverts to this tank, which is why its better to do it in a Q tank!


Sorry I must have forgot to say I do have Q tanks and they are in there now with a powerhead and some air bubbles. Do I need a filter? I didn't want to put the filter from my tank in because then the filter would be killed off with the copper. There is no LR or LS... but i need to get some PVC for them to hide in. Thanks again... by the way your right my LFS didn't know anything about hyposalinity but said they tried something like it at 1.015 for a week and they said some of their fish died so that got me nervous.


Go to the disease board. They have a step by step way to set up a QT Tank.