Ok I think I want to try hyposalinity. Will this work? And how do low do I go with the salt level...i heard 1.010 but that seems low?
Also how long do i need to take to lower the salt level so i don't kill my fish? Also, I need to set up my Q tank, right? Will
Maycran II do anything? Thanks for your time. never have had ich but always was afraid of it.
I will look into green X. Have you used it?
I had the trigger for about 4 years and the grouper for 2. I didn't add anything big since them. They are in a 55 gal tank with about 50 lb of live rock, 4 inch sand bed and just got the mushrooms (mushrooms was what I added, dang i was so excited to because they were doing so good). I will get two 10 gal small Q tanks because these fish are aggressive. Unless this is too small. Thanks for your concern and help. also how long does this hyposalinity take?