Please help ID!!!


This 'stuff' has started to spread over my live rock over the past few weeks, at first I thought it was good and due to the growth enhancer I use for the LR & LS, but now I'm not sure! Please help me ID this...thanks!!!


I just went and touched it and although it appears like it would be hard, it's not at all! I was able to pull off an entire piece of it in one slimey piece....sorry the pic isn't clear but I minimized it as much as possible, hopefully you'll be able to see what it is....


Active Member
It's definitely some kind of algae, but sorry I can't tell from pic.
You sure it's not bubble algae?


By the way, I don't know what bubble algae you know of anyplace that has pictures of different kinds of algae? I've googled a search on marine algae and lots of info comes up but no the way, thank you for helping me out with this!


Active Member
WOW!...LEAVE THE HOUSE NOW! :) Now I see what you're referring to. The only thing I can offer is guesses..a large Sponge, or a monster case of Cyano. Do a search for both and let me know how you make out. :D

bang guy

Cyanobacter. It's usually a sign of excess nutrients. My guess is that you're right about it resulting from your Growth Enhancer. I'd suggest not using anymore of it.


Thanks!!! I was able to grab one and pulled the entire piece off, should I go ahead and get it all out that way? I will definitely stop using the enhancer too...just tested the water parameters, here's what I have:
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.0
Alkalinity 4
Nitrite 0
Nitrates 10
Ammonia 0


It's hard to tell, but in the left side of your first picture, it looks like you have aptaisia
Darknes, I think you're seeing my curly q anemone...


Active Member
Definitely...if you can get it all out, do it.
Do 10% weekly water changes with RO/DI water only.
It's Cyano bacteria as I guessed and Bang Guy clarified. :D