Please help identify


Attached is a really bad drawing of what I saw in my tank yesterday. We just added 10 pounds of live rock pieces to our new 55g tank and about 10 minutes later I saw this critter going under a rock and now he is gone. It looked to be crawling and I only saw the rear of the critter. It looked to have small hair or feet on it's sides, color was white or an off white, at the very end looked to be something like pinchers 1 set.
This is the best desciption I can give you, i only saw it for about 5 seconds before it went under rocks.


Active Member
if it's a bristle worm, it's not that bad. though some people don't like them, they don't cause a problem that i know of. some grow to over 6 inches, but small one's are not a problem, and some fish (the 6 line wrasse is an example) will eat them. DON'T TOUCH it, they can give a mean sting.