Please help identify!


Please help identify this algae

I've got these dark red blobs or splotches in my LS. Based on the research I've done on this site - it appears to be cyanobacteria (sp.)? Unfortunately, I've been unable to locate any photo's of the stuff, so I'm posting my own, in hopes that someone can confirm that's what I have.
If you can confirm, what action should I take? Do I spoon this stuff out? Some have said to increase flow. I currently have 2 maxi-jet 900's, in each rear corner of the tank (a 55 gal.), each about 1/2 way down the rear of the aquarium. I also have a "jet" from the outlet of my wet/dry, which also provides flow.
I do have a spare power head (alos a maxi-jet 900), which I've been using in a tub for my saltwater tub. Should I add this powerhead to the lower front of my tank? Use chemicals?
I have a 260 (total) watt PC light, which I've decreased in "on" time, I'm giving a smaller ration of food to my fish, just not sure what else I can do.
I've just removed about 8-10 gallons of water for my weekly water change. I plan to scrub the ******** glass - because I get a lot of brown speckling.

Thanks for any advice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by spencka
I do have a spare power head (alos a maxi-jet 900), which I've been using in a tub for my saltwater tub. Should I add this powerhead to the lower front of my tank?
Not real low, but yes, get some flow on the sand.


Active Member
That doesnt look like cyano IMO. Cyano is usually a stringy, slimy, substance that would be on top of the sand, not below it. That is prob just a normal, common algae.