please help im a newbie


New Member
hi everyone, i am fairly new to all this and i just set up my tank and bought a wet/dry filter. the instructions they gave me to set it up was VERY vague. I understand where everything goes except the tubing going to the pump, and where the pump goes. can any one help me? these are the exact instructions they gave me on that part.....connect black adjustable return spout to the supplied vinyl tubing and hang return spout on the back of the aquarium opposite the prefilter. connect the other end of vinyl to return pump.......... i understand what they are saying here, except none of this will connect with the filter (the way i am reading it) i am so lost, im sure some of you pros out there can help me


New Member
I am not sure what your equipment looks like but it helps to follow the flow of the water. The water leaves the tank through an overflow or a tube and then goes through a filter. After the water passes through the filter it needs to be returned to the tank. Usually it is pumped back into the tank. I am assuming that you have a sump under the tank. The water exiting the sump or filter would go to the input side of your pump and the output side of the pump would return the water to the tank. This is usually returned via some tube and that is where you connect your hose. The last line of your message sounds like you are trying to attach the hose to your filter and the water should have already passed through the filter.
If none of this makes any sense perhaps you could explain more about your setup.
Hope this helps.

mr . salty

Active Member
Is your pump submersable,or external?? A submersable pump just sits in the sump(right in the water) and pumps the water.An external pump sits beside the sump,and will have two places to hook a hose to. One is an inlet that goes to the sump,the other is an outlet that goes to the tank. An external pump will need a fitting in the side of the sump to hook up to.


New Member
make sure you are reeding everything you can about what you want to do, Whether it be a fish only tank or a reef. YOu may want to toss the bioballs and buy some liverock to get your tank turned over! SSAVE YOURSELF THE MONEY AND RESEARCH! i know it would saved me some cash.