it started last weekend I had just bought an emperor angel- he died in just three days thinking it was not eating- his body became all white looking and cloudy- then I lost 2 bannerfish- same thing they became white cloudy- this morning my new puffer eyes became very cloudy - he di it 2 rosie's last night
I just did a 20% water change raising my temp up (right now @87)
ph is fine
all I have left in tank is
pork puffer
yellow tang
2 marron clowns
2 purple urchins
snails and blue hermits
Tang also seemed to have some what either a white fungus I don't know
before all the other questions- no they were not in QT as I don't have a QT
I just did a 20% water change raising my temp up (right now @87)
ph is fine
all I have left in tank is
pork puffer
yellow tang
2 marron clowns
2 purple urchins
snails and blue hermits
Tang also seemed to have some what either a white fungus I don't know
before all the other questions- no they were not in QT as I don't have a QT