Please help me-all fish dying


it started last weekend I had just bought an emperor angel- he died in just three days thinking it was not eating- his body became all white looking and cloudy- then I lost 2 bannerfish- same thing they became white cloudy- this morning my new puffer eyes became very cloudy - he di it 2 rosie's last night
I just did a 20% water change raising my temp up (right now @87)
ph is fine
all I have left in tank is
pork puffer
yellow tang
2 marron clowns
2 purple urchins
snails and blue hermits
Tang also seemed to have some what either a white fungus I don't know

before all the other questions- no they were not in QT as I don't have a QT


Staff member
DON'T raise your temp. This is a hobby related wise tale, and results in further problems. Drop your salinity over time back down to 80-78 slowly. When did you start to raise the temp?
What are your water readings? Size of tank? How old is the tank, filters, skimmer?


amonia 0
ph 8.2
nitrates 20
nitrites 0
salinity 1.018
size 120
tank itself is about 4 months which I transfered from a 55 that I had for a year
prisim skimmer
crappy odyssea filter- getting new one tuesday
started raising temp this morning- just turned off heaters


forgot to mention I just fixed a leak about a month ago
used silicone 1 door and window type
not sure if that is playing into it


Originally Posted by kowaleski
forgot to mention I just fixed a leak about a month ago
used silicone 1 door and window type
not sure if that is playing into it
If it is GE Silicone 1 it should be fine...I use it all the time, unless you did not let it dry for at least 24 hours.


Are the fish eating? What do you feed them? The only symptoms that you have noticed is that the eyes and body look "cloudy"? Are they breathing heavily at all? Stability is important. Rather than turning the heater off, just lower it. Large swings will stress them out more.


alright Puffer did not make it through the night-
they have been eating reef flakes- emerald entree with zoecon
they were all breatheing fine- my tank stays around 79 with no heater
any Ideas??


Staff member
What do you have for water circulation within the tank, aside from the prizm and the filter?
What do you use to measure salinity? Do you allow your change water to mix well for at least 1 or 2 days?
Sepulation is correct, drastic changes can be just as damaging as bad conditions.


Let's get to the bottom of this. There are many questions that have been asked but not answered. It is very important to answer the questions. We cannot help your fish unless we know what is going on. You mention this white covering "cloudiness". That could be a disease. You mentioned cloudy eyes. You haven't said an awful lot about the exact symptoms, equipment used, or instruments used for testing. Please look back through this post and answer the questions being asked


Fish have been eating and they really have no other systmes other their flesh turning a cloudy white.- except for their last day when they start to breathe heavy and were hiding in a corner of the tank- nothing else until this point tho
I also have 3 Koralla's #3 moving water
My water sits at least a week before it goes into the tank- I use filtered water from my tap
I use a hydrometer to test water salinty ( I know its not the best )
I use an API kit to test the water
I use kent marine buffer to raise PH
what else did I miss anything??


I am wondering about this cloudy white. Does it look like a powder on the fish? How long do they have that before they die? You said that you do not have a QT right?
Are you replacing a filter with the same kind? You can just switch the filter pads.


it almost looks like a fuzz on tang (tang seems to be getting better)but the others it was just the flesh tone- they had it maybe 2-3 days before dying
no I going with a cascade 1500- should I just take out the bio rings and put into the new filter? or another thing I was thinking was running them both for a week or so- what do you think?
and No QT


looking through Beth's pics about diseased fish maybe they were just stressed
does that or can that cause cloudy eyes tho?? or could eating one red rosie cause that to a puffer?
and I am still looking for an answer about switching to my new filter


IMO you should get a quarantine tank set up right away. use the tank water and put the fish in that are displaying syptoms. have you tried calling your LFS? they can prolly tell you what medicine to use. sounds like it could be a parasite. hope this helps and you can save some of your wet pets. good luck


My LFS is *****- enough said

tang seems to be all better and my maroons have been with me since almost day 1 they don't seem to come down with anything
I will most likely be setting up a QT with my old filter and a 10 gallon- or do I need a bigger tank for a QT
when I set up a QT what should be the salinty %
any advice would be great