Please help me find this cats owner! ASAP


Active Member
I worked with one of these guys at a wildlife rehab center. His name was "Trevor." They are sweet as pie but dumber than a bag of hammers. If you put something in front of their faces, they are going to bite it. ...Not to be malicious - just to see if it's edible. This goes for all things; paper, wood shavings, brooms, the litter box for their cage, your fingers.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
I worked with one of these guys at a wildlife rehab center. His name was "Trevor." They are sweet as pie but dumber than a bag of hammers. If you put something in front of their faces, they are going to bite it. ...Not to be malicious - just to see if it's edible. This goes for all things; paper, wood shavings, brooms, the litter box for their cage, your fingers.....

trevor hahaha thats such a mild sounding name too lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
It has to be awesome. First of all your water goes the opposite direction down the drain. Second, you have way more Marsupials. Third, Leafy Sea Dragons are indigenous to your Country. Then there is home of the boomerang. The list goes on!!!!!
So the the ausies have somthing in common with us as the oppussum is a marsupial.