Please help me Id


Can some one please help me id these little guys thought maybe they were a zoa of some sort but I dont know ive rasied the big one since he was just bigenough to see and with in the last 2 months he has split and has 3 friends now any help would be great as I want to be able to make sure they are fed and taken care of , the biggest one is about the size of a dime thank you ,

bang guy

Can you describe it? I can't see it well from this monitor. Does it have a skeleton?
My first guess was Pseudocorynactis but they don't have skeletons.


It is round in shape has what looks to be a beak in the middle and perfect little tenticles all the way around its pink in colur with little green tips on the tenticles it takes mysis shrimp and folds up on itself i thought maybe it was an anem it does not move it reproduced by shooting out and arm then retracting it ,


Thanks BG I did a search and I think they may be pseudo ,s I will continue to monitor them and see if they get any bigger for perhaps a better photo thanks again.

bang guy

From the description it sounds like a Pseudocorynactis. Details of this animal are that it typically lives out of the light, even under rocks, they often have an iridescent green coloration only when viewed at certain angles, and the tentacles are clear and end in a white ball instead of a point. The more you feed the faster they reproduce.


Thanks for getting me going in the right direction guys they seem to be happy so I will continue to feed them and see what happens thanks again.