Please help me identify corals


I aquired a tank a few weeks ago and have not been able to identify all of the corals that came with it. Could you please help me identify the 3 corals that are circled. I can do some close ups if that will help. Any other comments on the tank would be appreciated including placement and care of the corals. My MH lights should be here on Thursday so lighting shouldn't be an issue.
Since the corals came with the tank my learning curve has been pretty steep. Three weeks in and no issues yet. I also have a Percula Clown, Six-line wrasse, CBS, Skunk cleaner and a good number of snails and hermits.
Thanks for comments

nemo's mom

I would say the one in the back in the front left circle is a leather toad, the one in the front could be an anemone but I can't tell since the picture is not a close up. The one in the right circle is a zoa....I would need a better picture for the rest....Nice looking tank...I would just add a few more rocks but it looks nice as is!!


Active Member
Hard to see, but the one on the left may be a frogspawn or hammer, the mid looks like a goniopora or alveopora, and the ones on the right are palythoa. Can you get closer pics of the individual pieces?

nemo's mom

Don't think it's a goniopora. It looks like a hard coral to me but I could be wrong. Does the middle one move/sway or is it more like a hard skeleton?

nemo's mom

My LFS calls a Gonipora a ball coral...don't know if it's the same as a flower pot. It does look like it's dying off in parts. Keep a close eye on it

nemo's mom

I have one that died. I never pulled it out and it's regenerating. I have 20 little buds. I'm hoping it will fully regenerate when I get my new bulbs in the mail