Please help me out!


Shannon (my wife) has been calling me all day bugging me to post this on the forums. She entered us in some radio show contest, blah blah blah whatever. I have no idea what it is even for. But, if you're bored, follow the link, choose the radio button under our picture (you can probably figure out which I am ;-), but it is the one w/ the RX7) and click vote at the bottom. If I win millions of dollars, I will be sure to remember you all and offer a small coke the next time I see you. ;-)


Oh, and here is a shot that some of you may appreciate. These are a couple of works that we bought in the art

while on our honemoon. Both are limited edition Britto works and both are very large 3D pieces, though it is hard to tell in the pictures. The color in the pictures kind of sucks... flash didn't work and my lighting in the room is too yellow.
