Please Help Me



I've never gotten a cloudy tank when running carbon, maybe i'm just lucky. I've gotten a cloudy tank when cycling and putting in LS, moving subtrate etc..


Active Member
Sorry for saying this but please dont take it the wrong way. I mean 74 degree tank, 0 nitrate in 2 months, star in a newly cycled tank, 7.8 pH, not acclimating your livestock correctly, no skimmer yet, using tap water for top offs(at least get some RO water from Walmart 58 cents a gallon). I mean im still a noob but I did my research and still do before I do anything. I know its a lil late but I think your next purchase should be a book or do alot more reading and research here or online.

the reef

your star fish is sensitive to ph and sg levels so set your sg level at 1.25 to 1.28 and your ph level between 8.1 and 8.3

the reef

i just noticed you saying your tank is 74 thats ok for fish only but the star is conciderd a reef so he needs a temp between 77-80

the reef

tell me how do you make your change out watter?
and what you test for in your tank?
how much live rock?
how big is the tank?
how many watts of lighting?


There are plenty of fine books available on this site for purchase. I know the members are always available to help for people that have questions but please don't use them AS your how-to book. Starting a saltwater aquarium is a precision procedure, don't go in to it blindly asking only the few questions you think you need to know - you will quickly set yourself up for failure.
I'd suggest putting your tank on hold until you do more research.


I guess i have good tapwater in my area. I havent loss a animal or had any algae blooms

the reef

Originally Posted by T3D
I guess i have good tapwater in my area. I havent loss a animal or had any algae blooms

I would test your tap watter for alkalinity most tap watter has high alkalinity and when you add the salt you get way to high alkalinity just to let you know