Please help, missing fish


hey guys,
just got home from work today and turned my tank lights on. to my suprise i only saw one fish in there when i have two (false percs). i looked and looked and looked and he is no where to be found. i thought he might have died and looked all over the sand and in the rockwork but no luck. i even checked behind the tank incase he got bold but not there either. i have no idea what happened to him as he was there last night when i went to bed, eating like a pig. please help with suggesstions, the tank is a 55 and i have had the fish for about 2 months now. only other tnak mates are 4 hermits, 6 nassarius and 3 margaritas.

my way

Active Member
Do you have an overflow box? If so have you looked in there? Do you have a cat or dog?


nope, no cat or dog and no overflow. just an aqua c remora and an aquaclear 110. all levels are good and have been the same for 4 months now so no fluctuations. feed 2x daily and the other false perc is alive and well. i am dumbfounded.

puff daddy

New Member
I lost three with no sign and thought my green carpet anemone ate them but who knows. Bought 2 more and now they are fine and still with me.


I just brought home 3 baby clowns. I woke up in the middle of the night and only seen two. I looked everywhere for it. I finally turn the pump off to my Remora and see it floating in there. It has swam in to the surface skimmer and got sucked up into the Remora.