Please Help My Clown


New Member
I have had this clown a little over 3 weeks and a few days after I got him I noticed a small white mark on the right side of his head. He is swimming and eating normal so I left it. It has since gotten bigger and is now also on the left side of his head in the same area. Both sides have gotten much bigger and today I noticed that the white has now traveled down his left side behind his fin and has lightened his orange. He is still swimming normal and eating fine. Should I be worried? How can I help him? I don't want him to suffer or contaminate my other fish and tank. (10% water change was done today and all tank levels are normal.) Thanks.
Here is a picture of his left side. I couldn't get one of his right.


New Member
Nope, It’s as if something is stuck on him, or coming out of him, very 3D, not just all over his body. The picture doesn’t really show it that well.


Staff member
That looks like brooklynella. Which is basically the fish's slime coat peeling off due to the parasite. The treatment is formalin bathes, which is explained in the FAQ topic at the top of this forum. If you don't think this is brooklynella, then try getting another picture up.


New Member
Beth, thanks. I will try to get another picture, one of each side. It's almost like cottenballs coming out of the sides. What you see in the picture just happend since yesterday, but the cottenball stuff has been growing for awhile.


New Member
He is dead. Went down to check on him and he was at the bottom on his side. The Purple Dottyback was picking at him. Watched him take his last breath, scooped him out, said a little prayer and then fushed him. May he enjoy fish heaven.


Staff member
Sorry to hear this. Keep an eye on your other fish. Did you notice rapid breathing at all? Rapid gilling?


New Member
Beth, at the time just before death there was rapid breathing but only from the right gill, the left one was not opening and he was opening and closing his mouth really fast. I am so sad...he was my first fish :(
The other 2 look fine today (Clown and Purple Dottyback) but i will be keeping a CLOSE eye on them. Thanks for all your help!


Staff member
I really believe it was brooklynella, of course, not 100% sure. It may have been an extreme bacterial infection.
Keep an eye out for your other fish, as brook can be catchy.


New Member
this one wasn't eating for the last 4 days...since the other one died...had very small white dots on his nose, started swimming at the top a few days ago and fast breathing yesterday (still at the top). Gave him a freshwater bath 3 days ago. I came home from work this morning at 530am and he was swimming. Got up at 11 and he was dead on the bottom. (funny he died in the same spot as the other clown). His back was really faded out (that could have been because he was dead.)