Please Help My Fish Are Sick


Hello, I need help. I am 6 months into this hobby, still learning of cousre. I left the house and was gone for about 3hrs. when I came back my fish were all acting like they were stressed out. their color was off and my blue and yellow angel looked to have some type of white on her, my Pacoso trigger was laying on the bottom of the tank on the side of the glass. I do have other fish which were acting strange as well. I tested my water which seems to be fine. nitrates-5, nitrites-0, ph-7.8 (off as always), ammonia-0. Salinity is at 1.022, and temp is at 76. I did a 15% water change R/O water . They started acting a little better except for my trigger who did swim a little but then went and hid behind some rock and won't come out, which is very unusual for him, any my angel still has that whitish look to her. By the way my husband bought me a star fish from the lfs a couple of days ago. Please let me know what to do, I do not want to lose my babies.
By the way they are twitching, what does that mean?


I have a 110 gallon, how would I know what ick looks like. I have Yellow tangs but Its hard to see anything on them. I can only see white on the blue of my angel.

al mc

Active Member
Ice is probably right about Ich. However, the pH level is probably causing some of the stress. If you have a buffering agaent I would try to improve the pH up over the next 24 hours. I would also post something in 'Disease
Section' so Beth/Sep and some of the other 'mods' can try to help. Usually it is best to post tank size, water parameters and what you have in terms of fish and inverts. There are several disease threads in the archives with pictures to try to help people identify problems.


Thanks, I will try to take some pics, camera broken though, what can I use to cure this, I have a star fish come hermit crabs, 3 tangs, 1 trigger, 1angel fish, 1 tiny mimic, 1 clown, and 2 damsels that I could never catch after cycling. I dont know if this is what you need.I did put some ph buffer in, I just cant keep it up.