Please help my trigger!!


I have had my huma huma trigger in my tank for about 5 months now. Two weeks ago I decided to add a miniatus grouper. They fought for a little before the grouper scratched the trigger with his mouth on the triggers nose. A week after this, a lump has occured on the triggers nose. The lump has remained now for a week. The trigger has become less aggresive when eatting and swimming. I don't know if this is the cause of the groupers dominance or the lump. Can anyone tell me what this lump is and what I can do to solve this problem? Thanks for your time. (The lump is under the skin and is about the size of a dime. My trigger is about 4 1/2 inches .)


What has most likely happened is the open wound got inffected.What do you have in your tank?Such as corals or live rock,inverts?You should have treated the wound with some Stress Coat.That might have avoided furthur problems.I assume you don't have a hospital tank???They are a must.Is it still eating?


I don't have a hospital tank and I don't have any inverts or corals. The only other things in there is a grouper, sand, and rock. I do have some mycr???? 2 but last time i used the stuff nothing happened and my fish saddy died. Please tell me what to do. I may try to separte my tank in two to see if the grouper is to aggressive. What should i do? go straight to medicine, or separte the tank. Thanks again for your time.


Thanks all of you who helped save my Piccaso. I used the Maracyn-Two treatment for 5 days and put him back in the tank. At first he was lazy but now after a week back in the tank he is once again eating and active. Thanks alot i can't believe this fish actually may survive. All there is left of the ordeal is a dark spot but hopefully that will go away and he will be back to normal. Thanks again.