Please Help Need Fast Response


New Member
I posted this on the anemone and clownfish and no one has answered so maybe better luck here (I realize the time of night) I just bought a beautiful anemone today at about 6pm after acclimating him and such i put him in my tank. He started expelling this nasty looking stuff out of his mouth and I don't know if it's guts or poo?!? I freaked out after watching a piece of it fall off. He seems to have shrunken some. He is really round at the bottom and bottleneck midway and tentacles are in the mouth. I don't know what to do. After looking really hard i saw what looked like liquid coming out from his mouth where the bag of "whatever" was. I put him in a bucket (since i dont' have a qt tank yet) with my tank light over top which is 7,000K satellite and for a filter i put my powerhead for it. What do you all think happened and do you think i should put him back in my tank or leave him the bucket? PLease help I don't know what's goingon with this thing? Water is fine and I can't post a pic :help:


aneones have one opening for everything and they will expell and contract and deflat acording to stress or just to expell waste. I would put it back in the main tank and watch it for a few days.
in the mean time what is your tank readings how long has it been setup and what equipment do you run?


New Member
tank has been set up for about 4 months water is all good Nitrates are up a little but they always are. I was just reading another website and said that the white smokey liquid coming from him was sperm. They actually had pics of it and it looked just like the what was coming out of him. Except i still don't know for sure what the brownish looking bag of stuff is? I acclimated him by taking 1/2 cup of my water in a bucket every15 minutes for hour and 1/2


Originally Posted by Bluewaters
tank has been set up for about 4 months water is all good Nitrates are up a little but they always are. I was just reading another website and said that the white smokey liquid coming from him was sperm. They actually had pics of it and it looked just like the what was coming out of him. Except i still don't know for sure what the brownish looking bag of stuff is? I acclimated him by taking 1/2 cup of my water in a bucket every15 minutes for hour and 1/2
Your acclimation time was not sufficient for an anemone. Nitrates are also harmfull (keep them under 10). I have read about the spawning of these, and yes it is a jet and causes the water quality to be poor after. Luckily this only happens about twice a year. Keep a close eye on your parameters. Ammonia is likely to follow if you don't do a water change to remove what you can.


New Member
so if i do a water change tomorrow do you think he will be okay. he sure picked a fine time huh LOL? The brown stuff has all broken off except for a small piece and his bottom is fatter now as well as the top.


Originally Posted by Bluewaters
so if i do a water change tomorrow do you think he will be okay. he sure picked a fine time huh LOL? The brown stuff has all broken off except for a small piece and his bottom is fatter now as well as the top.
Yeah, I would do a water change ASAP sucking up all of liquids that you can.