Please help, Newbie bigtime


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Hi, I have decided to do a fish only saltwater tank. I have a limited budget but im also patient in buying my supplies. I have not yet bought a tank. The lady at the Aquariam store said i should use any tank bigger than a 10 gallon. I want to do a 20 or 30 gallon tank, but i did research and they say its too hard for a beginner. So i need some input on anything u have for me. :confused:


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The first time i started a saltwater tank i decided to go fish only and i started with 3 damsels in a 60 gallon and after a month they were still alive so i figgured i was doing pretty well so after a month i went back to the lfs and picked up 2 groupes and returned the damsels because i wanted to do an aggressive set up so i had the groupers for three months and then i decided to a trigger fish (not shure what type) and the groupers killed him right away so after having the groupers for another month i traded them in for a yellow tank a lion fish and a dog face puffer well the dog face puffer exploded or something like that and then three days latter the lion died and then i added a lunar wrasse and then a week later the yellow tang died and so i added a half and half wrasse i think and then the luner jumped out of the tank my filter crashed and the other wrasse died so i purchased a new filter and started with some clowns and other stuff and from there since it has been up hill all the way i have had a few loses here and there but not many the moral is you have to give it some time and you probably will have a few loses along the wAY BUT YOU WILL GET IT DONT WORRY i think my advice to you is start cheap and slow and study up and do your homework thanks!
please excuse any typos


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I have done really tons of research, and the lady at the aquarium store specializes in salt and is also very afformitave.<Typo I just want to start sorta cheap like he said. I really like clown fish and they say they are pretty hardy. But i have no clue on fish prices yet. I will buy my tank saturday and start from there. Thanks for the posts


Active Member
also I am contemplating on buying the 20 gallon tank at the store for only 65 dollars it is good craftsmanship and looks very sturdy. It comes with the lights she said i would need for my fish only tank.


Just be patient if you want some cost cuts look for a used tank but be fore warned that sorta cheap leads to bad experences in the hobby.


i'm also a newb and followed advice on bigger better concept,
77 gallon
15 lbs lr
80 lbs ls
1 yellow tang
1 tomato clown
4 zebra crabs
so far so good i 'm thinking of getting a starfish soon


Active Member
yeah i did check classifieds but nothing doin. There are tanks on sale in the City, OKC. I'll check em out on saturday. I don't want to start a reef tank yet. I saw a setup with a live rock and a couple fish that i liked really well. Thats what i want to accomplish for now. I'll start reefs when i get more experience at the hobby.


Good points jamesurq there are a few thanks on this site that are under 30 gal and look better than ones 20 times larger.


Active Member
I like small fish, and i realize i will be limited but this is just a starter. I think i will get a bigger tank but i have to check on the price. I am very limited for cost purposes for now until later. Christmas spent me all up.


Active Member
I have been looking at everyones pictures on thier websites and pretty much all of u have large tanks. I know its easier in tanks larger b/c temp and ph scales dont flunctuate < however you spell that>as much as a smaller tank. Also what is a good starter fish for a smaller tank???


It's been 10 months with my 29 tall and that is what I started with. I am on a limited budget as well. I bought a tank and set up for around 300 last year.
Make sure you can get the right amount of lr I am finding that was my biggest mistake and that wasn't explained very well.
You should also have a good amount of sand as well. Get a testing kit too. Try the dead shrimp to assist with the cycle because i have Damsels. I have killed six so far and that gets costly. Damsels are mean as well. they pick on everything. If you put them in at the same time it helps. Equal playing field.
I am learning more every time I get on this thing so don't rush. I have sunk in more money by being uneducated and impatient.


I have never had a problem with my Temp or my PH. The one thing that I have a lot of trouble with is Nitrates. I am adding more live rock so I am hoping that goes down. If you want a starter fish, the damsel is nice to look at. Hard to catch and mean though. Check if the LFS will let you trade them back in after you cycle the tank for different fish.


I have seen that the LR is around $6 a pound in my area. I have seen some deals on this site. What area do you live in?


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thanks for everyones info i really appreciate it. yeah i have heard the damsel fish are aggressive. I really dont want a mean fish. About how much is a damsel. I looked at some prices but they were all different.


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I live in the South well they consider it the south, or midwest. Oklahoma is where i live. Go SOONERS.


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also i cant order online. One reason is I probably have tons of viruses i don't know about, another i only order online with gift cards that way if they do get into my account they wont have much money to get away with.


It is recommended that you have at least one pound per gallon of LR. I am now at 20 and will be adding more in the next couple of weeks. I would see if you can get the tank a little cheaper, make sure there is a gaurantee. I like the fact that my tank is taller. I don't know if that matters.


Active Member
about what price did u pay for your tanks?? and what size where they. I might go to walmart and get one. most tanks usually have lifetime guarantee for leaks and cracks.