Please help, Newbie bigtime


I have found them a $5 each. That's in southern Il.
I have air conditioning for the summer. I don't think my tank would have made it with out. I have a heater as well. It was $20.


I ordered a 29t with stand and hood for 129.00. It was on special at the LFS. Does your LFS have LR? Did she tell you about that?


Active Member
im really not worried about temp yet but the house stays pretty even throughout the year. I will get a heater though.


Active Member
im so sorry about this but i really dont know what some of the abbreviations are yet. please clear it up for me LOL


My House has AC and that takes care of everything. I set it at 78-80 in the summer and the tank temp stayed oK. I don't know how it will be once I get the new lights though. They will probably raise the temp. I will see.


Active Member
Yes the lady at the store does have everything i need, and its right down the street if i have any problems. She is the only place in the town who sells saltwater fish and the accessories


I still have trouble with that
LR means live rock
LS is live sand
LFS live fish store
there are some other abbr. listed at the top of this section for newbies. It helped a lot.


I put a skimmer on mine since I am going to go with some corals and anenomeas. I think they help with the gunk. I have one that runs from an air pump and it was cheap. I maybe wrong but it seems to do the job. It was $12.00. I didn't add it until after the cycle and that took a while. I think I have cycled several times. I have never had the readings at 0/0 for amonia and nitrates. That's why I am adding the live rock. Look for rock that has good green stuff. Make sure and ask if it is cured. I got pieces with Purple and red sponges on it. It's kind of cool. Try and get pourous rock. It will have more bacteria.


Active Member
I do want colorful rock but i went to her store some of its kinda dull looking. It does have things on it though. how hard are anemmones to care for??


I got the anenomaes on the live rock. That was an added perk. A lot of the live rock is made of concrete now because of the new laws about harvesting corals. They are ok. They look dull. They will change in time.
Anenomaes are something I am just getting into. You will need to check into lighting. Lots of lighting. That's way down the road until the tank cycles. That takes 2 months and sometimes longer.
Be patient. I have had to learn that.
I have found neat little creatures on my live rock as time has gone by.
See if the lady gets regular shipments of LR. You can add more rock as time goes on.


Active Member
yeah i dont want to rush things. I just want to do fish for now. I'll get into the whole reef thing later. I need to do a lil more research on some fish. I need one that doesnt grow big and is cheap. Any Ideas, Must be hardy??? I heard damsels might outgrow my tank??


I have not had a damsel last long enough to have him out grow tank. Might happen I don't know. There was a thread earlier that recommended some different fish. You may want to start another thread to ask.
Good luck
I am going to sleep
Let me know what you find.