Please HELP--Nitrites


I am new to this fantastic hobby and have made many new mistakes (the worst of all impatience). I am desperately seeking advice from the masses.
Nitrites keep rising!!! Please bare with me while I give you some background.
2/17--Bought and set up tank (24g AquaPod) with LS--Left tank alone.
2/24--lfs tested water and sold me LR (@30lbs) and the following: 2 anenomes, 1 Bi-color Angel, 1 Urchin, 2 Hermits, 1 Mushroom coral. Added LR and pets the same day.
3/2--Added another Urchin, 1 Feather Duster, 1 Sally, I Purple Lobster and some coral frags.
3/3 50% wc (instructed by lfs)
3/5 50% wc--added 4oz of Cycle (instructed by lfs)
They dropped some--limited fish's food (once every 3 days)--still rising.
3/11 75% wc with 4.5 gallons of lfs bottled water and the rest dechlorinated tap.
Here are the current parameters
Temp: 78F
pH: 8.3
Ammonia: 0
Salinity/Specific gravity: 30/1.022
Nitrites: 5
Nitrates: 50
Please help--What can I do? All of the creatures appear to be doing fine. Do I just wait this out? Is there a product out there (besides Cycle) that can add the needed bacteria to the tank.. I am DESPERATE!!!!!
Thank, in advance for all your help!!!!!


Active Member
Was the live rock you bought cured or uncured? If uncured, then you need to wait for the cycle to complete before adding livestock. Once all the necessary bacteria are in the tank, the nitrites will get converted to nitrates. As you've probably learned, you just need to be patient. Based on your readings, it looks like the cycle is almost complete. Nitrates seem high for a new tank, though. Maybe another water change is in order. In the meatime, you might want to take the anemones and the angel back.
On a side note, try not to use tap water. At the very least, you can go to a large grocery store and buy RO water.


Active Member
I`m new to the nano side of this hobby but it sounds to me you overloaded your tank and stocked the tank too early . Sounds to me that your tank is still in the initial cycle . On 2/24 I would have just put the rock in and let it cycle . If it was me , I`d return everything but the rock and let the tank settle down with water changes and when everything is in good shape then stock the tank .


Does anyone have an opinion on products like Bio Spira? One lfs thought it may help the cycle along.


what I have learned from the whole cycling process, is that you have to go so slow, and it takes forever. Also, I hear even with my 75 gallon that I guess only like 1 fish every 2-3 weeks! Until your tank has cycled completely. I hope everything is fine, but I have also heard that doing water chages during the cycle will slow it way down! Did the lfs know that your tank was at the begining of the cycle when they sold you all those???? If so, I would go to another lfs! Just the things that I have learned. good luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Claire7275
Does anyone have an opinion on products like Bio Spira? One lfs thought it may help the cycle along.
Bio Spira , Stress Zyme , and others boost the cycle when there is no load . It won`t help as much with an early stocked tank . That stuff should have been put in the water the day you set it up and I know for Stress Zyme you add it every 7 days for the first few weeks . I`d bring the livestock back or if you know someone that you trust to keep them in their tank until your tank is good to go . The booster will do some help with your stocked tank but might not act fast enough and possibly loose your tank mates . Patience is the key factor and is unfortunetly common to start too fast .Your LFS should know better and possibly may be one of many that hired unqualified help or is in it to make a fast $ and not worried about the customers and a good rep .