PLEASE help one of my fish has ich what do i do


Active Member
Never dip a fish,it just causes more stress,more stress=more prone to the parasite or death.
Do you have a quarantine tank set up?
If not,you need to research quarantine and hypo-salinity.


Yeah no dips i made a rookie mistake with my Blue Tang when she had ich i read about freshwater dips but when i tried it i think i put her in shock and that's what ultimatly killed her. Try the hypo-salinity like people are mentioning or if you have a QH tank put her in it and treat her with copper.


Active Member
please ignore advice of a cleaner shrimp or freshwater dipping, do not do those, and copper, well its in your system at that point, so if you ever decide to have inverts, or a reef set up you will have to do all new water with cleaning every piece of equipment you have, if you do have a QT you can copper in that, but not recommended, it is toxic to your fish as well as ick. hyposalinity or osmotic shock therapy is the best and recommended way, read this FAQ it will help you a bunch...


New Member
What Type Of Tank Do You Have Set Up??? I Have A Fish Only Tank And My Fish Kept Getting Ich!!! I Was Ready To Throw In The Towel 'til I Was Referred To A New Fish Store. This Guy Has Been Dealing With Saltwater Fish Since He Was 10yrs Old...i Explained My Problem And The First Thing He Suggested Was To Treat And Maintain A Copper Level Of .15 . Note----i Do Not Have Any Live Rock, Shrimp, Etc. , Only Fish...with The Tank Empty Of Fish, I Treated It With The Sea Cure Copper As He Directed, Added A Uv Sterilizer, And Started To Add New Fish.....i Now Have 3 Green Chromis, A Maroon Clown, A Blue Hippo Tang That Is Huge, A Coral Beauty And A Copper Band Butterfly.....i Have Not Had One Problem Since I Started This System, I Do A 10-12 Gal. Water Change Every 10-12 Days And My Fish Are Incredible!!! I Have A 55gal Tank.....i'm Sure There Are Many People Out There Who Think Maintaining A Copper Level Is Not Correct, But After Spending 165.00 On Fish That Kept Dying, I Now Have A Healthy Tank That Is Full Of Green Algae And Healthy Fish!!!!!!!!! I Just Started A 45 Gal. Corner Tank The Same Way.....good Luck!!!


Active Member
I purchased a pacific blue tang back in april this fish was ematiated from starvation its tank mate was a very large pacific blue which hogged everything.I knew I was taking a risk but purchased it with intentions of saving it.within 2 weeks it developed ick I tried hypo didnt work I tried kick ick also didnt work finally I removed the fish from the reef placed into qt (55 gal) added dose works for a full month.fed 3 times daily morning and mid day veggie flakes nite time emerald entrese dosed with garlic extreme(2 drops per feeding).to make a long story short my tang has been ich free sinse and is nice fat and I feed daily all my fish with thera+A by spectrum(non medicated parasitic fish pellets.