Please help....Problem with my new LTA


I just got my first LTA in my 12 gallon nano. He moved around a bit the first day after he opened up...but over the second day, he hasn't moved at all. He's wide open, but the mouth is also open and the tentacles are curled towards the mouth. It's still alive because if i touch it it'll contract....i did notice some brown goop come out of its mouth about an hour or he a gonner??? Should i get him out before he pollutes my entire tank...Please help...


Well, i just tried to move him and he is barely contracting...this doesn't look good guys...please share your thoughts...


First off I'd get him out. Why is simple.. the size of the tank is way way too small for an LTA let alone any anemone in my opinion. Bad things can happen really fast in such a small unforgiving tank. Even if it were to live it would outgrow that tank.
Next - I need to ask just what type of lighting you have for this 12 gallon nano? It is a necessary evil that I ask. Please forgive me if you have discussed this before and I missed it.
I'd need a picture to be sure but it sounds a bit like acclimation shock, gaping mouths can be the result of stress, or a sudden change in environment. Shortened tentacles can also show that something isn't right.
As to the brown substance that you saw coming out. It could be built up waist or it could be the anemones zooxathellae. If it is the latter than the downhill slide could have already started. Bleaching like this could also be the death of anemones.
Sorry if non of this is what you want to hear, but based on size of tank alone, I'd take that anemone back if you can.


thanks...i have him under 54 watts of compact pc lighting. 27 watts 10K and 27 watts actinic. This is way more light that the LFS had him under...he was originally under 20 watts of actinic light...(made him look better) His tentacles are not shrunken, but it is firm and doesn't move...i just moved him and he has attached to some rock and the sand...but i've heard that they like to bury their foot into the sand. This is all bad advice from the LFS i visited...will never go back. I doubt they will even let me take it back, but i'll try.
The brown stuff that came out wasn't much...just a little string of it, but he has not eatten for the past 2 days. I'm getting worried...i don't know where to put him if i take him out...he will die for sure if i take him out!!!


Lighting issue, what can I say.
For instance, a BTA will need approximately 4 watts per gallon. Sort of a general rule of thumb. Problem is that this WPG (watts per gallon) idea doesn't work with small tanks below 55 gallons. On a 12 gallon, 20 gallon or even 30 gallon I'd have to suggest a min lighting of something in the area of 220 watts. Not saying that folks have not gotten success with less, but in the area of lighting and a photosynthetic animal like an anemone more is usually better.
LTA's do like to have a sand bottom, usually near the rock work, it all depends on what it wants to do.
By now I'd say that you are handling the anemone way too much. Normal acclimation time is 2 weeks give or take and moving him all the time will make things worse. The final decision on where it goes will be up to the anemone.
All in all If I were to look into my crystal ball I'd say the anemone is going to be on a slow decline to death given the (sorry) meager lighting that it is getting. I'd suggest if you are going to try to make it live then you must attempt to feed it 3 times per week. Meaty foods and not brine shrimp.
LTA's should be in nothing less than a 55 gallon in my opinion, with about 3 inches of sand bed.


Active Member
Not that you need my input but I agree 100% with the above...
On the flip side of things a nice alternative to a common anenome. You could put in your tank a tube anenome. Prob more colorful than any "true" anenome you can find as tube anenomes are not really anenomes and doesnt have the same requirements as a typical anenome although it has some. Just a thought.


The only thing wrong with thomas's statement is the rules per gallon rule. It is probably the most inaccurate way to decide if the anemone has enough lighting.


Thanks for your advise...i thought the 4 watts per gallon in my nano would be fine...
So how do i feed him? I tried giving him a cube of mysis shrimp, but he barely reacts to it...should i get some raw shrimp? do i just put it near him mouth?
Well since i last moved him, he's attached himself to a i guess he's still alive for now...could an anenome even be dead it if is still attached to a rock or will they let go before they pass on???


Active Member
In general a healthy anenome has sticky tenticles so when you introduce food to them they should grab it imediatly if it doesnt thats an indication of a problem. The animal should at least grab the food from the point of contact. Then it will decide weather or not it likes it. The ability for it to produce its stinging cells is an indication of being healty. If it cannot hold onto the food to determine weather or not it likes it IMO Is a cause for concern. With any type of food you offer make sure it is not frozen. Small portions no larger than its mouth and silver sides make a tasty meal for them. But you can use clam, shrimp... basically anything raw and fish...Good luck


well, I feel a little bit better as i got some raw shrimps today(made my wife go to the fish stand and get 5 shrimp...she felt crazy asking for so few). I cut off a piece the size of a penny and cut it open and put some cyclopeeze in there and fed him. He took it right away and within 5-10 minutes it was gone...yeah, he's at least eating and he's almost fully attached to the rock now. His tentacles were starting to shrivel up in some areas, but hopefully that was just because he was hungry.


Active Member
I hope your LTA makes it! I have one that is in my 45 tall and it is out growing it already and it is hard to keep corals. as for the behavior of your LTA mine acted similarly for the first few weeks. As soon as they plant themselves it does mean that the are comfortable with that spot. By the way I have mine under T5 Nova 156 watt. and it is THRIVING to say the least. I love mine so much I am considering a larger tank so I can keep it. Good luck.