Please help quick, white fungus on LR, order here


Please help,
I left for 3 days over Christmas & when I returned there was a white fungus growing on the LR in two different places. My wife bought me several livestock additions & I want to make sure this won't be fatal to the system. I have attached a few pics, It is the white fungus looking stuff on the LR. The guy at the LFS said it is calcium deposits & that they are completely harmless. Needless to say I value the oppinion of this board much more. Thanks for the help.
:confused: :confused:


Looks like a possible sponge. My suggestion if you have access to a microscope or know someone with one, is to get a scraping of it and look that it under the scope. If it looks kinda shining and crystal like then it's a good chance it is calcium deposits. If it looks different then it could be either a fungii or a sponge. You'll know if it's a sponge.
You could possibly also use a good magnifying glass... Long shot but if your vision is good then you might see the difference.


Should I remove the LR that is affected from my tank, which would be horrible because it is my 2 largest & nicest pieces. How bad would it be if it was a fungii or calcium deposits. My wife bougt me a clam & plate coral, along with a bubble tip anonome for Christmas. Should I put them in?


I don't know and I prob wouldn't remove it from the tank until you have identified it. If it's a fungii then I would prob post this on the disease forum, but if it's Ca deposits then check out your Ca levels cause it may be too high to the water to support it in solution. And if it's a sponge then it's a good sign that your tank is in good shape. But if you remove it and it is a sponge then you will kill it all and will want to remove all of it from the rocks before replacing cause it'll raise you Ammonia levels.
Sorry I can't help much... I'm still fairly new to this hobby.
If anyone finds that my information is incorrect please say something.


Active Member
I have some of that white like mold stuff on a few pieces of my rock for over a few years now and it hasnt bugged anything if it dont spread alot then dont worry about it yes on the right hand side of your pic that does look like aiptasia...


Active Member
if you are worried about take the rock out and scrub it with a tooth brush in fresh salt water and then rince it with fresh salt water...


Staff member
It is white sponge, don't worry about it. Soon enough you will be getting all colors of sponge. Even nice blue! :yes:


Active Member
ty beth for the responce i have that stuff on few of my rocks and even some purple and blue but the white does look like mold....lolDont worry msitework i freak out the first time i seen that white color sponge in my tank as well:D



Originally posted by Beth
It is white sponge, don't worry about it. Soon enough you will be getting all colors of sponge. Even nice blue!

Beth knows all. :D :D :D


Thank's for the responses, I was very worried about putting my new critters in with that. Is that a good sign, I have heard it means you are doing something right.
Thank's again