please help quick


Staff member
If you have premixed water then do a water change. Why is it going up? Is it a new tank? Do you have animals in the tank?


Active Member
How high? Has the tank been cycled? What's in the tank? What are the other parameters of the water? Need more onfo. But a water change is a good way to reduce ammn. Don't make the change to large or that can also be damageing


Active Member
Are you starting up a new tank? If so, what has your procedure been? Give us all the water parameters...all of them meaning (minimally) ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, Ph, and if this is a new tank, hopefully you have no critters in yet. Specifics, we need specifics...
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
thinks for the input. my tank is cycled ive had it about 3 months. i took care of the problem with a water change. i think it shot up because my wife was over feeding