please help restocking a 29 gal. from vacation disaster

I got back from vacation and all my fish were dead, and my coral bearly pulled through. The lady that was watching the tank didn't call me when both the skimmer and filter stopped due to water loss. Anyway I would like some recommendations on fish to add as I have none now? I was thinking a green chromis a sixline wrasse and??? Any Ideas? Please help. They must be reef safe b.t.w.


Originally Posted by gratefulhippie
I got back from vacation and all my fish were dead, and my coral bearly pulled through. The lady that was watching the tank didn't call me when both the skimmer and filter stopped due to water loss. Anyway I would like some recommendations on fish to add as I have none now? I was thinking a green chromis a sixline wrasse and??? Any Ideas? Please help. They must be reef safe b.t.w.

Welcome to the boards! I am sorry for your losses. Restock slowly. What kind of fish do you like? A pair of clowns would work along with a royal gramma or a firefish. Put together a list of what you like and we will help from there.
I'm really not to particular , but I would like something other than clowns as my other tanks have just clowns in them. Should I add the fish one by one or at the same time?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gratefulhippie
I'm really not to particular , but I would like something other than clowns as my other tanks have just clowns in them. Should I add the fish one by one or at the same time?
Add them one by one so as to not get an ammonia spike. Do you have a quarantine tank set up? If not, you should consider one. Also, you might want to consider an auto top off system. I have one and it has made vacations non-issues. No more people needing to watch the tank.
Welcome to the boards!


I love my Midas Blenny. He has a very cool swimming motion and gets along great with the other fish but I have heard that they can be more aggressive in smaller tanks.
well I'm definatley investing in an auto-top off. What about feeding? Anyway, Will a coral beauty be too big for a 29 gal.? If not, I'm thinking of a sixline or a strawberry p.chromis? What else after this? I really would like to get fish that won't kill each other if possible? I would eventually like 3to4 small fish with different colorings? Arn't firefish difficult to keep? Thanks for the help!!


I have a 29 gallon as well, and I have a percula clown, a sixline wrasse, flametail blenny, and 2 blue/green chromis. I wish I had researched more beforehand because then I would have gotten a purple firefish and a midas blenny instead of the blenny and chromis...but firefish and midas are more expensive here. Firefish are really good jumpers, but they are pretty hardy.


Originally Posted by davmul
I love my Midas Blenny. He has a very cool swimming motion and gets along great with the other fish but I have heard that they can be more aggressive in smaller tanks.

I've got one too,
verry fun guy,
adds some color, and loves swimming in place in front of the powerhead.
as well as backing into holes and looking at you.
I've not seen him be agressive at all
he was in my 38gal tank, now loves the room in the 75gal
