Please help, sick or dying Sebae


New Member
I need some help!
All of my water parameters are good. There is a very happy BTA located in this tank that is doing great. he started out doing OK, but then he shrunk up. I assumed he was just getting rid of waste, but he never fully opened back up. I've only had him about a week and he was on the move pretty well the whole time I've had him. He's now staying closed and either upside down or on his side. I have never seen the little brown things located on his bottom (at the top) before. Anybody have an idea what these are? they appear to be soft enough to move with the water flow. I know how devastating a dead anemone can be in a tank, so I did pull him to the top of the water to get a sniff. He is not stinking, nor does he appear to be "meting" so I assume he is not dead yet. My gut feeling is this guy is a goner, but I want to make any effort that I can to keep him alive. I would greatly appreciate any insight or help with what I hope to not be a lost cause.


naclh2o nut

How long has it been drawn up? If I remember from your other post, he has never actually put his foot down. Not sure of the brown stuff, but I would put a heavy bowl in the tank with some sand and place it it there(maybe it will grab hold, while not rolling around the tank) and then leave it alone. Mine draws up like that every time I get near it.