PLEASE HELP, Skin condition in Shark


The site said he was 8 inches. i cant even contain myself when i get a new shark. post some pics when he gets acclimated. thanks


Well I would love to get a picture but he hit the tank and darted like a snake! He willnot come out of the rocks. When he does I will snap a pic. He is so small. It is funny how he looks!!
Boy, it really is small world. I think Porsche nuts forget that we all have other passions and love. Fish are only one of my passions.


I just had a freind call and said he had a Banded Shark for me..DOH. Silly question, is it ok to have a Banded and Epaulette in the same tank?


Very good. He won't come out though until he smells the food. He is funny, pops out then runs like hell. His face actually looks like a little puppy.


Maybe, he sure has a good nose for shrimp though. He will come out in a heartbeat for that!
So on the banded, is it that they will fight one another or the other fish? I know in a 300 I could not keep them both forever, or am I wrong. Keep in mind I have a Lunar Wrasse, P.Trigger, Powder blue all of which are med in size and a Surgeon Tang that is X-Large. Is is about 18 inches..LOL both in length and width :D


its not that they will fight its that they will eat anything that will fit in their mouths. but the banded cat should grow faster than the epaulette so go for it.