Please Help With Hair Algae


Active Member
16months on your bulbs?
Ya, time to change. 8-12months depending on lighting schedule.
As for sea hares...they are made of Win!
I named mine Samson, he slaughtered my hair algae like they where philistines!
Took mine about 6 weeks for my 125dt, and then I gave him to a local reefer.
Really cheap animal to get, and are relatively durable.And absolutely lethal to hair algae!
The first couple weeks nothing....then all the sudden whole patches of algae dissapeared over night...on a daily basis.
Within 6 weeks it was gone!
Just be warned...they ink.
Although not you can pick them up and manhandle them w/out worry.
Mine got poked a few times by the cleaning brush before he fired his. was a corner i needed to clean ^_^


I feed my fish every 3-4 days and only like 1/4 a cube of misis shrimp. Been doing that for 2 years with out problems. (I have a 14 gal bio cube with a flame clown and a blue devil damsels.)
Also do you have a skimmer?
What about a clean up crew?
Change your bulbs, I change mine every 12 months or less.
I would also recommend a DI filter after your RO. RO units are only good for around 95% removal of your TDS. So say you have 100 ppm TDS in your raw water, you will still have that 5ppm left it your water. Most places around where I live the water is good at around 250-300 ppm TDS. My RO unit takes it down to around 18 ppm. That is not good enough so I added a DI filter and got it down too 0.85 ppm. I just ordered another dual chamber DI filter so I'm going to have 3 filters in series so I should have no TDS going into may tank what so ever.
But ya you cant go wrong with added filtration!

u mike

do you have any pics of your tank, it would help with the scrubing to see how the corals are on the rocks. i have gone through this also get a hard bristle brush, look in lowes in the paint section. i tried to put a pic of mine up site would not let me.
Originally Posted by jw1977 http:///forum/thread/379562/please-help-with-hair-algae#post_3299861
Would a canister filter be a better option than the emperror 400? Wouldn't i be better off to pull each rock out and put it into a tub of saltwater and then scrape all the algae off?


Well-Known Member

The best algae eater I ever put in my tank was a Lemonpeel angelfish, he beats a lawnmower blenny hands down and he won't starve after the algae is gone. Big plus is that they are beautiful and stay small. They MAY nip LPS corals, mine does not, he has plenty of algae to nibble at an he loves to swim in and out of the rocks, so he's very active.
Old bulbs will cause hair algae.