Please Help With Hippo Tang


New Member
I got a 4" Hippo tang 5 days ago he has been in a Q-tank since he was fine until today he has white spots all over his body. Its not ich is more like some kind of fungus (snowflakes) as of today he is still eating. However he is breathing faster than normal. Well, after some reading I tried to get Maracyn-two but all stores were out, so all I coluld find was Maroxy. Now my question is what do you guys think it is and what could I do to help him? Thank you for your time.


New Member
Well today he is less active and just lying on its side he ate a little. The white spots look like tiny pimples. Anyone?


Active Member
Tiny white pimples? Sounds a lot like ich to me. What are your water params, such as nitrites, nitrates, ph, salinity, ammonia, and temp. It would probably not be a bad idea, if he's still in q-tank, to go ahead and do hypo. A pic would also be helpfull in determining if it's ich or not.


Staff member
Yes it does sound like ich to me too. Why do you think it is not?
Go ahead and do hyposalinity in the QT. Even if it is not ich, the hypo will benefit the fish and make breathing a bit more easy.


Active Member
My hippo had some cauliflower like growth on its tail and fins once and even though it went away a few days later, the damage was done, the tail and fin rotted away and never came back. It was definately not ick on my hippo.


New Member
I am 99% sure its not ich. Ich looks more like salt, this looks more like cotton spots some bigger than others. Its only on the body not fins nor tail. He has been lying on its side all day. I have been soakin the food in Selcon, but it seems to be eating less than yesterday. I will try hypo asap. any other suggestions. Thanks.


New Member
Just an update on my hippo tang. Well the cotton-like stuff is gone but now it looks like white skin pealing. The fish has been eating but it spends most of the time lying on its side inside a pvc fitting. Do you people have an idea what the pealing might be? Thank you for your time.


New Member
Not to sound stupid but could I find Nitrofurazone in the med section of a fish store? I found Neomycin, but after searching and making phone calls I can not find Nitrofurazone. Thanks.


Active Member
I just did a Yahoo search, and it came up with several places to buy it. Can't post them here, but try that.


Staff member
Unfortunately, buying meds online in an emergency usually isn't an option, unless your willing to pay $30 for overnight.
Try Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish.