Please Help with my Purple Tang


This might be a stupied question, but I have never had a QT tank. I have a 10 gallon tank just sitting there doing nothing so I might as well make it into a QT tank. What will the tank need. Will it need a skimmer and the whole works. Will I also need live rock and live sand or just a filter is fine????


A ten gal. is a little small but if thats what u have then a u will need a small heater, a hang on filter I would recomend a skillter it has a built in skimmer and some Qt meds I use kent RX-P in my QT or methane blue is what my wholesaler uses


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
so what everyone oppinion here is that if the fish was not "farm raised" we should not have them in our tanks. In other words all the fish that all u people that are apposed to having a cleaner wrasse have farm raised fish nothing cought in the ocean. Because all the fish in the ocean serve a purpose also not just to be YOUR pets.
Wrong, there are certain documented studies and positions of recognized authorities in this hobby regarding cleaner wrasses.
I suggest you take some time to research the topic and then form your own opinion based on your readings.
Cleaner wrasses play a significant role in the overall health of marine animals in the ocean. Their role in a well-maintained closed marine system is not needed if appropriate QT measures are taken and good husbandry practices are followed. Their role is more significant in the ocean....where a death sentence does not loom over their head. due to starvation.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Wrong, there are certain documented studies and positions of recognized authorities in this hobby regarding cleaner wrasses.
I suggest you take some time to research the topic and then form your own opinion based on your readings.
Cleaner wrasses play a significant role in the overall health of marine animals in the ocean. Their role in a well-maintained closed marine system is not needed if appropriate QT measures are taken and good husbandry practices are followed. Their role is more significant in the ocean....where a death sentence does not loom over their head. due to starvation.
U da man nice research I'll have to tell all the pet shops in my area to stop selling them. Also I was just wondering since pannatius bats, Morish idoles, and most butterflies fair poorly should they not be sold also. Just making a list .


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
U da man nice research I'll have to tell all the pet shops in my area to stop selling them. Also I was just wondering since pannatius bats, Morish idoles, and most butterflies fair poorly should they not be sold also. Just making a list .
FYI- They are trying to get cleaner wrasses on teh protected fish list because of the advantages in the ocean...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
U da man nice research I'll have to tell all the pet shops in my area to stop selling them. Also I was just wondering since pannatius bats, Morish idoles, and most butterflies fair poorly should they not be sold also. Just making a list .
The listing already exists and can be found on a google search using maine animals better left in the ocean, fish better left in the ocean, etc.
The reason many animals that fair poorly in closed marine systems are offered for sale to the hobbyist is because many are unaware of the horrible survival rates in captivity for some species. Some do so knowing of the survival rates but feel thay have the magic answer pertainng to Moorish Idols and/or can provide an adequate home for some species such as butterflies. They purchase them so the demand is there for lfs's or internet sites to offer them for sale. Even the advanced hobbyist cannot keep Moorish Idols alive past one year . Sure, there is an occassional success stroy but many will certainly die for that one rare one that thrives in captivity.
An estimated 99% death rate for Moorish Idols in closed marine systems within one year or slightly longer.
Butterflies can fair well in larger mature systems that provide an ample adequate food supply and the appropriate system parameters for the species. While the species in general would rank as a diffuclt to does not compare to Moorish Idols in general for the survival rate.
There is a way to SLIGHTLY increase odds for success in keeping a Moorish Idol alive past the one year window which can be found on the internet. Species selection, hawaiian water animals and juvenile Moorish Idols SLIGHTLY increase the odds for success.


Active Member
To the orginal poster...sorry for the cleaner wrasse debate but there are only two proven methods that will help cure ich. Hyposalinity and copper...with hypo being the wiser choice. There is info on this site area at the top that will instruct you as to the hypo protocol to follow.
Rarely can you bring about a cure with treating a symptom while ignoring the disease. The cleaner wrasse will only treat a symptom...but will not bring about a cure in a closed marine system.
No other PROVEN methods exist then the two mentioned once an outbreak occurs.....NONE. JMO
Best of luck


Staff member
There is info in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum that should help you with setting up a new QT. Good idea to do so, BTW. It is a decision you will not regret.


As stated before though, A Cleaner Wrasse will NOT cure all diseases and may not even cure all parsitic diseases.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Butterflies can fair well in larger mature systems that provide an ample adequate food supply and the appropriate system parameters for the species. While the species in general would rank as a diffuclt to does not compare to Moorish Idols in general for the survival rate.
I disagree with this... it hink there are many easy to keep butterflies as long as you do 3 things. A) Keep water Quality high and B) Let the system mature before adding one and C) Resaerch what they eat(Be sure to not get one that eats only corals) Anyways sorry for the off topic post.


I was under the impression the idea was to control the ich, not to elimate it. It can never be totaly elimanated a fish gets ich from stessing out one minute fine next it has ich. In a closed system an introduction of any species increases the possiablility of ich. It seems like the best approach is to simply control, as eradication seems impossiable. Ich a naturally occuring parasite. so a hospital tank is a preventitive rather than a cure.


Originally Posted by SOU812
so a hospital tank is a preventitive rather than a cure.
If properly done the qt will never allow ich into the system and qting the fish upon arrival makes sure that it doesnt not have ich.


Originally Posted by SOU812
how do u QT live rock and delicate corals?
Yes i know, but what im trying to get at is that a cleaner wrasse is not neccessary nor will it thrive as well in captivity as other fish. IMO They should be left in the ocean and never be collected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOU812
how do u QT live rock and delicate corals?
In a QT Tank... Ich can not live without the host fish....


Originally Posted by PFitz44
In a QT Tank... Ich can not live without the host fish....
but ich can live on live rock. I know this for a fact because it happed 2 me


Originally Posted by Madman33
How big is your tank JailbreaK? (sorry ot but i see two angel and 3 or 4 tangs)
total volume is 800 gals.