please help with my sps


Active Member
ok so my tank has been doing very well and im in the process of setting up my new glass 180 it should be very nice!!!
as of the past week my sps have seem to die back at there new growth areas at the tips and on my blue stag at the base where its encrusted at the rock
my 2 a tenuis are doing ok as of now its mainly my a valida my blue stag my millepora and my tri color stag.... all were growing great until like i said like a week or so ago
my water paramters are as follows
ph 8.2
am 0
na 0
ni 0
po4 0
ca 440
alk 9dkh
mg 1350
temp 80-81
sg 1.025
so heres what im thinking happened that caused this... my seio 1500 had lots of crude and algae covering alot of the slits for the intake water to expel it out over the propeller im thinking by just how it felt that only 1/3 of the flow was coming through it!!!
so this probably cut my tanks flow down by about 1000gph!!! my tank was at around 25x's turnover would a deacrease to about 15x's turnover cause the growth the sps to deminish like it has??
thanks for any help!!!
i shouldnt have to worry with my new tank im going closed loop so i wont have any power heads


Active Member
anybody any suggestions to whats going on the sps are still very slowly receding in some areas and im lost for whats going on ....
did a water change yesterday
my reading are as follows as of today
PH 8.2
PO4 0
Ca 420
Alk 8.6
Mg 1410
Salinity 1.025
Temp 80
flow is good now with about 30x's turnover when adding up all my returns and such
lighting is on 8 hours a day
what can be wrong im confused to why everything was doing great but now has started to receed??


how are you testing your phosphates? I'd suspect that because it's not unusual to get those 0 readings off of the home test kits


Originally Posted by Caillou
how are you testing your phosphates? I'd suspect that because it's not unusual to get those 0 readings off of the home test kits

exactly. . . . sps are really sensitive to p04
do a nice water change. when i got a bout of stn it was p04 for sure.


Active Member
yeah i do test with a home test kit that shows zero i know there has to be some though....
i only use RO/DI water and i run phosguard in my fluval 404 at all times to soak up any left over phosphates....
do u guys still think phosphates could be a problem if im running the phosguard pellets ...
before i started running that in my fluval about 2 months ago the test did show trace amounts but now it doesnt change color at all