Please Help with My Water; Well Its not the Alk!! What should I do??


Active Member
I just did a carbonate hardness and looks like 10kh, which is normal i think. So why won't my calcium levels go up???
Could my corals be sucking up that much calcium???
The FSW mix is only reading 300 and i did add some kent calcium to it and brought it up to 440 and added 20 gal. of that to my 110gal reef. it brought my DT up to 340.
So what should I do?????

nm reef

Active Member
What are current readings for calcium/alkalinity/ph/magnesium? What is your normal additive schedule? What corals do you currently keep? Based on your recent posts I'd suspect that you don't need much in the way of additives and simply need to allow your system to stabalise. Once you have a feel for your current levels and a understanding of the need to manipulate levels then maybe adjust your levels accordingly.


Active Member
alk is at 10dkh
ph is 8.6
cal. 340
I don't have a mag.
Well I did'nt add anything until I found out my cal was at 300 and added B-ionic 25cc everyday for about 3 days straight and someone from this sight said stop so i did. that was about 2 days now with no additives. I have alot of algae bloom the stringy hairy stuff which i just got rid of about 2 weeks ago and took about a month to get rid of.
yellow zoos
colt coral
mushroom assort.
mushroom ricordia


Originally Posted by Lubeck
Could my corals be sucking up that much calcium???
calcium is heavily consumed in the reef aquarium. not just by corals but also by coraline algae, inverts, hitchikers, and many other things.


Active Member
Oh yeah my inverts
25 astera snail
10 nassa snail
10 blue hermit
10 zebra hermit
2 emerald crabs
2 peppermint shrimp
1 large carpet anemone
2 large starry or something like that hermit crabs
and thats the wierd thing my coraline has tripled in the last 2 weeks growing on glass and on lr.