Please help with refugium set up


My new tank is a 125 with two built in(drilled bottom) overflows. Each side has a inlet and return drilled hole. It will be a reef tank. I would like to have a refugium, and have two ideas. Please let me know if either of these will work and what one you would recommend. I don't have a lot of time and don't want to mess around with building my own.
#1 One overflow would come down to a Aquafuge pro refugium kit. It has a protein skimmer, a smaller refugium with baffles, pc lights and a spot for a return pump(I have a mag 9.5), and a heater.(14"x16"x30") The other overflow would come down to a Tidepool 2 system with the bio ball removed to try and keep nitrates at a minimum.(mag 9.5 return pump)
#2 Both overflows would come down to a Tidepool 2 system with bio wheel removed and mag 9.5 return pumps. On one side I would have the incoming water going to the sump branch off and go to the sump and to a 20 gal long tank that I would use as a refugium.(I would put this on a shelf just above each Tidepool sump with two holes drilled on it so water would just gravity feed back to each sump and then get pumped back to the main tank.)
Any and all help would be great. Thanks


I guess #2 because of the lower fuge flow but making an all-in-one sure sounds easier
The above sump setup is not good. With the sump set up that way you will get bubble from the refugium side of the sump. You will want to have (from left to right) the output from your overflows and your protien skimmer, next part is bubble traps, then the refugium, then more bubble traps, then a fairly large area for the return pump. If bubbles still persist, but block of sponges in between the bubble traps.


That way will put about 1800g per hour to the fuge. If you are worried about bubbles (I have none) then put bubble traps on that side too.
And you are correct, it isn't to scale. The return area should be big to allow for evaporation.


Active Member
I like the 'T' on the feed side. A quick question on flow to the fuge......what percentage of water being fed gets T'd over to the fuge?


Originally Posted by Laddy
I like the 'T' on the feed side. A quick question on flow to the fuge......what percentage of water being fed gets T'd over to the fuge?

In mine about 30 %, I want slow water movement thur it.


what do you guys use to seperate the areas of your sumps, and where do you get it? I have a 20 gallon tank that I want to make a sump/refugium, but how do I subdivide it into an area for a protein skimmer and a refugium area with live rock and caulerpa?