Please Help With Serpent Star


I have a serpent star that I just got 3 days ago. It does not move around that much, but when I looked in the tank this morning one of it's leg's was broken off.
Is this normal or what????? Will it grow back??????
Please help


Active Member
Hopfully ophuria will answer you she is the expert in this field but I have a few suggestions, Yes it will grow back provided he is in a good environment. This does happen frequently. What type of tank is it in? what are your water paraments like?Is he in with aggressive fish?Have you tried to feed him?we could help you more if we had some of this info. Did you acclimate him?


Sorry about that.... Does it happen offen this is the first time. I just got him 3 days ago.
I have a 55 gallon fish and Inverts only in there.
My Water paramaters are good, I just tested everything this morning and everything is fine.
I have a Yellow and Purple Tang, and a Kole Tang(amazing they do not fight at all)
Yes I did acclimate him in for about 2 hours.
Feed him??? the LFS where a purchased him told me that he does not need any special feeding, that he is a scavenger that he will eat off the LR and anything that my fish do not eat,( which I feed them Frozen food)
I have read that at night (when the lights are off) is when they are supposed to be the most active, well he is the other way around, when the lights are off he really does not move, and when I have the lights on he moves his leg's around more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drf0524
Feed him??? the LFS where a purchased him told me that he does not need any special feeding, that he is a scavenger that he will eat off the LR and anything that my fish do not eat,( which I feed them Frozen food)
I spot feed mine every 3 days. Most of the time my fish don't leave enough for any scavenger to live off of. I've also never had my star lose an arm.


I have a serpent star, and he doesn't do much, but if you put some mysis shrimp in there he will go nuts. Ours steals it from our coral. He doesn't do much except when it's feeding time. Ours was missing a leg when we bought it. (we got a discount) it is growing back wonderfully now. I would say as long as he has plenty of rocks to hide under and your water is good, just feed him a little mysis every other day and he should be fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drf0524
Feed him??? the LFS where a purchased him told me that he does not need any special feeding, that he is a scavenger that he will eat off the LR and anything that my fish do not eat,( which I feed them Frozen food)
I have read that at night (when the lights are off) is when they are supposed to be the most active, well he is the other way around, when the lights are off he really does not move, and when I have the lights on he moves his leg's around more.

I feed mine 2 x a week , yes they are scavengeres but they need more to really do well(and to grow a leg back).I have one that has one leg shorter,since I got him about 1 1/2 yrs ago.Good luck with him :joy:


I spot feed mine with the mysis, cuz he never really moves, even at night. He just waves his arms and curls them around the rock and the shaving brush plants. I think he picks stuff off of them.
THe peppermint shrimp seem to get everything the fish don;t, which doesnt leave much for the star.
::eek:ops I didnt read close enough, I have a brittle star, not a serpent star:: SORRY


Active Member
It is IMPERATIVE to know specific water parameters. What is "good" for fish is often FATAL to these animals. Definitely need to know these.
How old is your tank?
How long did you acclimate this animal?
What are your tank inhabitants?
It certainly has nothing to do with feeding. But the important question is this stress, predation or osmotic shock.


Active Member
Originally Posted by drf0524
Sorry about that.... Does it happen offen this is the first time. I just got him 3 days ago.
I have a 55 gallon fish and Inverts only in there.
My Water paramaters are good, I just tested everything this morning and everything is fine.
I have a Yellow and Purple Tang, and a Kole Tang(amazing they do not fight at all)
Yes I did acclimate him in for about 2 hours.
Feed him??? the LFS where a purchased him told me that he does not need any special feeding, that he is a scavenger that he will eat off the LR and anything that my fish do not eat,( which I feed them Frozen food)
I have read that at night (when the lights are off) is when they are supposed to be the most active, well he is the other way around, when the lights are off he really does not move, and when I have the lights on he moves his leg's around more.

Ophuria, she says in earlier post ,that she did allicmate him for 2 hrs, she only listed 3 tangs(in a 55???).I thought the same thing with shock ,predidation or maybe water param.She never listed them though.
Drf0524-what are your salenity readings and other parameters, How was he acclimated?did you drip or just float the bag??


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Ah, missed the fish...
but what about crabs and such?
I did ask for more info,so we could do a better job helping


Active Member
Originally Posted by misfit
I did ask for more info,so we could do a better job helping

I wasn't making any negative statement, just saying that I missed the fish part, and people tend to forget about anything other than that, so sorry....


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I wasn't making any negative statement, just saying that I missed the fish part, and people tend to forget about anything other than that, so sorry....
I knew you wernt making a negative statment,nither was I ,just saying we cant help without all the info :joy:


Originally Posted by misfit
I knew you wernt making a negative statment,nither was I ,just saying we cant help without all the info :joy:

Oh stop being so negative.
And might I add, that Ophiura is a cutie. (Sorry but that is a reference to another thread in which I could not post that statement.)


Originally Posted by KOgle
Hey hey hey let's not make reference to opi's hottness or she'll quit posting pictures...

K I will shut up.